A Duck With a Lisp

If they factored in "Work Study," USC would have one the payscale bracket.

Awesome. This makes me want to post a pic of "Guy Incognito," but that would probably just piss off the ninja.

Only half the teams are setup to possibly play on Sunday. The other half are setup to possibly on Saturday. So it's actually easy for the NCAA to accommodate them.

Unsurprisingly however, Pondexter's message played well in China, Korea, Burma, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and the Philippines.

Drew, were you aware that BYU's placement in the bracket is always specifically chosen as to not have them play on Sunday since the school has a self-imposed prohibition on it?

That was complete P.S.* on UVA's part.

There's no debating the dumbest red car ever.

Owwww!!! My eye! I'm not supposed to get hot dogs in it!

The worst sportswriter to live next door to would be Jason Whitlock. You'll be finding styrofoam containers with BBQ sauce residue in your yard on a regular basis. And if you're also black, don't confront him on it. He'll just accuse you of being in the Black KKK.

But you're writing this post, and not Emma. Hypocrite!

Fringe = The NFL

While I respect Gillies' efforts, the longest rap sheet on Long Island still belongs to Colin Ferguson

A Bad Night In Newark...

If this were to happen at Georgetown, the player would just be denied communion.

She was diagnosed with a heart condition just before her freshman year that kept her from playing...

I want a canceled NFL season. Mostly because Drew's best work is done when he's angry. I mean like irrationally angry. Whether the focus of his anger is a mouse or a prententious douchebag, it's fantastic stuff. The only concern I have is that, should there be no NFL season, Drews angry rants will become

This girl on ds is pissing me off...she's jus pointing out the obvious. assholes are on the internet.

If there's a series of three switches on the wall, there's a very good chance that I will get them completely reversed.