A Caving Ape

I'm a guy and I'm really guilty of this. Best example would be hyperbole and a half- my first thought was "wow this is hilarious" and next I thought "what does she look like?" and looked up a picture.

Being a self concious mkiv jetta owner I always keep tabs on jetta demographics.

Looks a lot better without wheels.

@worthless_cos: I do this when someone is tailgating me! Much safer than the abrupt brake, but gets the message across just as effectively.

For me "trying harder" was never the way to lose weight, just a way to increase my weight and self-loathing at the same time.

Now playing

Hey, men get hassled by athletes about their clothes too!

@chicksarentfunny: The thesis seems to be that the maturity level of gender targeted media is inversely proportional to that gender's actual maturity. So if crappy ladymags = good women, good mens' media = bad men.

Oh.... so THAT'S where the 8C design came from.

Where do expensive hobbies fit in here?

@Goldbunny86: So it's cool for you to be fat, but you'd be "settling" if you ever had a fat boyfriend?

Mountaintop, level 2 zoom, 8 degree angle. They've got me dead to rights.

@nnnick: My VW rocks steelies in the winter so I don't have to get the tires switched out on my normal rims. Are you suggesting I go out and spend $200 on a set of the OEM hubcaps?

And an eco-boosted AWD Fusion-based S4 competitor, right?

How does weight make any sort of difference in top speed? It seems to me that it should be a function purely of power and drag force.

@LPscuderiaSV: Isn't that the one that set a FWD lap record somewhere or other?

Gene Weingarten won a Pulitzer for an article about this issue. Here it is:

@paladjinn: Yeah, but to continue the parallel with beauty and quote that justice from some obscenity case: I know it when I see it.

Wow, I always thought "swarthy" was a slur.

I wasn't much into cars, even after I got my license. I liked the freedom but cars were just appliances.