A Caving Ape

VLC player has a feature that lets you do just this! It's my favorite way to watch Jersey Shore when I'm stoned.

I love the back to back textbook examples of oversteer and understeer.

Hey now... this looks like a car I might want to actually BUY in a year or so.

That little girl has more style in her leopard-print jacket pocket than I have in my whole life.

The size ends up just being a very rough guideline. The cuts vary wildly even in the same waist size, so really the only answer for me is to load up with all the different variations and try them all on in the store.

A 3 series coupe/convertible with an automatic transmission.

Evidence of drug use + "removing a sweater" ... I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that the passenger had the wheel because the driver was hitting a bowl.

Poor kid. Though I admit I've sent texts much more incriminating than that.

My god, this is a textbook example of sample bias. Can you crosspost this to Jezebel?

What a lovely way to start my day.

I'm missing what exactly the reasoning is in the article.

I always thought that the CLS is one of those cars that generally looks pretty horrid in photographs but looks great on the street. Another more pedestrian example would be the current audi A3.

This self-hatred-based weight loss method is so useless.

To be fair the family thing applies equally for men. How many bachelor politicians can you name? We only ever had one unmarried president- James Buchanan- and that was quite some time ago.

@Clixx13: That directionality only exists if the metal has been cold worked (as in, deformed well below the melting point). And even then the directionality is just that the grains have been deformed on a particular axis to become ellipsoids rather than spheres- so the similarity to wood is incidental.

Most metals have directional grains, like wood. Liquidmetal doesn't

I've really just been waiting around for an excuse to post this.

Hey, try it yourselves! It's the virgin game: