A Caving Ape


@all oiled up: I'm male and I think those shorts are hot. There: opinions canceled out.

@Old No.7: Wow, I hadn't even thought of that. I just assumed it would be 12 turns 2.5 mildly interesting miles.

@science is sexy: I agree with that. But while you might think "lets be friends" is outright rejection, but to the rejectee, it isn't always. It's an invitation to start a relationship filled with creepy one sided repressed longing.

This is kind of a minefield itself, but...

@happygardeningmama002: So am I to assume that an entire generation of women are growing up reading and believing Cosmo?

What they need is a union.

@LudeRyan: Welp. Thread over, can't top this.

Wait, so Jezebel hates weed now?

I have a friend who writes with handwriting even more perfect than this. I've asked him about it and he admits to training himself to write like that. Psychologically I don't think it's an indication of anything other than that he's a complete perfectionist.

@Irin Carmon: Cool, thanks for the response. By "beholden to advertisers" I meant valuing site traffic over what the editors personally think is good content.

All the TDS stuff aside, I'd love to see some response to Gould's claim that Jezebel is just as beholden to advertisers as any other mainstream medium, and you've just found your own strategy to engage people's primitive side and keep the ad sales people happy.

It might be tough finding a guy who thinks the issue is important enough to give up sex.

What happens when you get rear-ended?

Washington State route 504- from 1-5 to Mt. St. Helens. Most of it was rebuilt after the eruption, so it's all gloriously well planned and constructed, fantastic to drive and with mind numbing views around every bend. Also a bunch of sweet bridges.

I remember I was in the grocery store with my roommate and we had a laugh over a woman in workout clothes buying nothing but a pint of ice cream.

Transmission is one of those programs for me- it does everything I want and it never gets on my nerves. Sounds simple, but I haven't even found a web browser that can do that. It'll take something pretty special to get me away from Transmission.

To me clothes shopping is like food shopping- yeah I like to select the things I like, but ultimately it's just a chore, not something I'm interested in for its own sake. So I try to go as little as possible and get in and out with limited hassle. Also, I notice that clothes stores in particular don't feel like very

So will it drift, or just gingerly steer straight around each gravel corner? This is important.