A Caving Ape

@CassandraSays: Haha, I'll keep that in mind next time I'm out at the bar. 'Night.

@CassandraSays: I was always under that impression. Not entirely universal, but easily as commonplace (if somewhat less rigid) than the female ideal. Isn't that one of the basic tennets of this post, that high cheekbones and subtle but defined abs are something the majority of women want to look at?

@CassandraSays: Well, I can't claim speak for all guys... however, I think that on the whole guys are a lot less vulnerable to feeling bad about their bodies because there is so much less societal pressure on us. So I doubt anyone would get particularly offended.

I always did think that having a ribcage was very unladylike!

@CassandraSays: That hadn't occurred to me at all. However, now that I think about it, it doesn't really press the same emotional buttons. I feel like if people had some criticisms of these guys, it would just reassure me that yeah, we're all flawed. It would say to me that having flaws is okay because even the elite

So, how long did it take everyone to get their first job out of college? I know I shouldn't be getting discouraged yet but it's starting to wear on me. I would think that an engineering degree with applicable internships would do it, but I guess there's always someone better qualified. On a related note, should I feel

I posted this in one of the first of the manjectification posts.

@FordTuffMcgruff: This looks awesome. How much cash would I need to lay out to do this myself? Assuming I already have a copy of Matlab, haha. I'm actually an engineer by training so I would really like to dig into this, I just happen to know next to nothing about cars.

@SantaRita: it's the VW 1.8T. So the turbo would actually help things? I always assumed that the noise was the whoosh of my gas tank emptying.

This reminds me of a question I had about getting max MPG:

@lunchcoma: This put my thoughts into words way better than I could have! Once effortless fashion becomes the ideal, it's no different from normal fashion.

@Chris Pratt: What? iPhones are notorious for shattered screens. I've broken mine. Even though I treat it with way more care than every other phone I've owned, all of those other phones- dating back 10 years at least- still work fine.

Not even one wholly positive comment. Looks like this ad-post backfired a bit.

Wait, wait... there's more than one kind of cocaine?

@NewsBunny: How about overweight male leads in any format other than sitcoms?

Looking at this car makes me wonder why high beltlines are all the rage these days, especially amongst American muscle. The way the reverse-sloped hood emphasizes the hips just makes me...well, it's better if I didn't say.

@TheTeofTea: Isn't "because i like to drive it" logical? I mean, for as much time as some people spend in their cars, what's wrong with wanting it to be a pleasant experience?

Dad had a Mark II Golf and a CRX while I was growing up. Sadly, both of these cars met with untimely ends, and what did I end up learning to drive in? A 2000 Ford Taurus. However that may have been good since it set the bar low and I've been able to enjoy every incremental improvement.

Wow, now after reading these comments, I'm convinced that not being a hypochondriac is going to mean I'm going to totally think that some life-ending illness is just bad takeout. How do I get into this hypochondria thing?