A Caving Ape

@Parenthetical: well, there are girls who like stupid chick flicks too, isn't that equally inexplicable?

@clevernamehere: Oh, I'm a dude. I'm sure the women's sizes make a lot less sense. However, as someone mentioned, they are a tad bit too short.

@clevernamehere: I'm 5'11 and 200 pounds, the AA size L shirts fit me very well- with other brands I'm usually stuck in the gulf between M and L.

"Sir, your wife's hysterical, so I'll address this to you. This oven is lightning fast. It takes only five hours to cook a roast."

I didn't know this existed! I really wanna try it now. 1000 feet...

@Prismatist steers with his right foot: Where are you getting your numbers? It's my understanding that thermal efficiency for cars is 30% and down, while for electrical stations it's 30% and up. Combined cycle natural gas plants can go above 50%.

I had thought about really nerding out and building a Labview program to do this, but i find they get a lot more tolerable after a few beers.

There's no way Merc would do the LED headlights thing. I refuse to believe it.

@BigHarv: Maybe so, but if you ask me everything from 98-05 (er, well, golfs, jettas, and passats) was right on. They've aged quite well so far, simple and yes, inoffensive, but unique and consistent across models.

That VW owner is me. The engine light always goes off by itself after a few hundred miles, though!

That last one doesn't deserve to be grouped with the others.

Every time I see one of these, all I can think it,

Has to have the snorkel.

How coy of you not to say exactly how long the highway trip took.

So, who should pick it up?

I suppose altert Aston dealers to be on the lookout for someone trying to buy one rim?

The longer I look at it the harder I laugh.

I guess this raises the question: do people have the moral right to be disgusted by fat people?