A Caving Ape

@Adah: And yet it didn't take even in the slightest for alcohol or weed. There must be something else going on.

As a guy posts like this make help me understand what it's like for women more than anything else on this site.

"If you have no interest in cars, you have no interest in driving. And if you have no interest in something, it means you're no good at it"

While this is doubtlessly true, I'd like to see who is more dangerous.. a "macho" driver who is paying attention, versus someone on a cell phone or otherwise distracted.

Oh my god I haven't even heard of this. Am I officially old now?

I'm a member of an invite-only social site started up about six years ago by this guy, it's where he made the post in the story:

@indeedso: What? Season 5 was the best! It brought everything together! I will admit I was a little worried up until the last episode, but the ending just sealed it. I couldn't be happier with the way that show ended.

F650 box truck across downtown Baltimore. Definitely wasn't licensed properly for it either. What an adventure that was.

199-whatever Chevy Lumina. It felt like the steering went through the torque converter along with the crankshaft. And the torque converter was filled with jelly.

Capitalism at its best.

Oh yeah, I got one that's right up this alley. Might not have the same uniqueness, but it's not something you expect. Seen on the streets of Portland, OR:

Uh huh. Ford F-Series April total: 40,946. Sounds like people still prefer big trucks.

This is one of those things where I think it's great that it exists but I would never buy it myself, like organic produce or low-flow showerheads.

Jesus christ. Things like this make me feel like a dumbass. Why didn't I come up with a fucking downloadable e-horse to make millions off of?

Moving out to the west coast I thought I'd find driving bliss 10 miles outside of every town.... and while there are some great roads, turns out nothing will ever beat my favorite little loop in Patapsco State Park in suburban Maryland.

As an OSU Student:

@Foo2rama: When you drive a citroen DS, no one tells you where you can and can't drive.

Honestly I'd take it as a compliment to be ignored by marketers.

The stars... just like us.