A Caving Ape

I thought this was a really beautiful car.... until I got to the shot with the old Bugatti. Makes this "Galibier" look like utterly utilitarian and boring in comparison.

As a driver it was the entire journey in a ford taurus on bald tires in a rainstorm from Baltimore to DC down 95. However, after that experience hydroplaning is no longer even slightly scary.

"Reverse barely works" implies that forward does work, or at least works more than barely. Merc please!

Isn't one of the core concepts of the geek stereotype that they aren't very good at relationships? Seems like everything else is just a consequence of that.

All the terrible stuff aside, anybody know what song that is? Google is failing me.

Never in my 12 years of public school did I get bullied in any way that was appreciable enough for me to remember. I never had any social skills in those 12 years either. Never could put those two things together in any way that made sense.

I wanna invite that author out with me next time I go backpacking in the cascades. I'll make sure to remind her not to bring any folding chairs.

@Speedycop: Wait wait, I don't know much about these LeMons things, so lemme get this straight... do people actually care about winning?

Holy crap I know that Anglia!

At my school at least they take it pretty seriously. One got a lot of profile recently. Happened at a frat house halloween party, he at first said that it was consentual and later backed up and said that he was blacked out and didn't remember anything. Her word alone got him convicted to 8 years in prison. He was

This is pretty surprising to me. I'm a fat guy, and usually when I see these fat people posts I sort of roll my eyes and think "yeah... guys experience this just as much as girls do," but honestly not this time.

@euterpe35: This needs to be a bumper sticker!

Mom took me out to a big empty parking lot in her 5-speed Passat a few weeks after I got my license with an auto. Took me an afternoon to get the basics, then a few weeks of stalling at stoplights to get it down pretty well.

I agree that the policy needs to be spelled out in inches and pounds. If you can read up beforehand, there's no need for public embarrassment.

So if I get an e-mail from a friend linking me to a youtube video, it's a possible phishing scam?

It was the interior shot that got me. Yes please.

The body kit I can live with, and the wheels may be a little much but still work.

@msridiculous447: Yeah it had been pretty useless for most of the season here in OR, but it was just starting to get good! I did get one amazing weekend in at Bachelor, beautiful weather and plenty of powder... *sniff*

I tore my ACL on the slopes two weeks ago, seeing all this skiing/snowboarding stuff in the olympic run-up is KILLING me. Sigh... next season, hopefully...

I love wagons. A low mileage Passat W8 wagon just popped up on my local craigslist and it's been weighing heavily on my psyche, there are a ton of reasons why I shouldn't be buying a car. But come on, eight cylinder wagon?