A Caving Ape

@LutherNipperkin: This is a great insight. When I think about it, it seems to apply to both genders, in all environments, perfectly. Well, maybe not the "separate from" part, as standards of beauty are usually predicated on being an accepted member of that society.

Gottleib's attitude makes me kind of hopeful, as my best trait is that I don't have any of the classic, common dealbreakers. So whatever happens, sometime down the line if I'm getting uncomfortably old and single, someone awesome will settle for me!

House, car, bike lock, bottle opener... what else could I possibly need?

We discovered this when my friend and I took his S4 up to Mt Hood in a snowstorm. It was especially fun going down that mountain at the end of the day.

I probably use my gmail account name (which is pretty respectable, but kind of a play on the letters of my name) in professional settings a tad too much, but on the resume it's good old lastnamefirstinitial@school.edu

I love driving. My car, someone else's, I'll always volunteer to be the driver, and people are usually happy to let me at it. I aspire to have one of those epic two hour each way commutes. I know I'm crazy, but I think driving is one of the best day-to-day experiences. Comfort, climate control, great tunes, and just

I love that little throwaway bit of insight that actresses have a "half life," seems a really good way to describe how fame works.

I can't be the only one with a healthy amount of respect for these people who clearly live their lives earnestly and without timidness or compromise.

My friend had just bought an S4. Honestly I'd say he's a pretty good driver on the whole, but that car was too much for him and he didn't realize it. He was belting it up the hills outside of town, and I was trying to explain to him that every car has 4 wheel _brakes_ so his new car didn't have any advantage there.

I'll come right on out and admit that this really doesn't concern me, I'm not a very smart person.

I used to stereotype all MMO gamers as.. well.. the stereotype. This was from experience my freshman year in the dorms, watching people fall one by one to addiction.

I just went and watched Rendezvous for the first time, I'm seriously impressed.

The Lambos and the Ferraris just made me chuckle, and I knew about the Veyron, but I hadn't seen and wasn't expecting the McLaren.

I wonder what this chart would look like if LSD was included.

I wrote off that channel a while ago. They had this show that was supposed to be a bunch of scientists (?) going around trying out novel methods for reducing/offsetting carbon emmissions, but the "team" cruised around in a Hummer H2.

This has been around forever! I always thought it was hilarious, I assumed it was to prevent audiences full of car geeks.

I wonder what he was using that lighter for when he got this idea.

This makes me want to get up to Mt Hood so bad right now. Why must it be Monday?!

You eat it like candy because.... it is candy?!

On the mens' site it has, for each player, a mug shot, height/weight stats, and an extensive description of that players' career.