a rabbit's opinion

More context is really helpful. I was so consistently disappointed in the short vague comments with links that I just started jumping over those also.  Summary + link for more info is much more pleasant.


Oh, that’s not the last thing. Just ask any ER nurse.

Are you kidding?  Ants are at ground level.  That's the last thing I need in my butthole.

And 60 seconds = basal cell carcinoma on your external sphincter.

The headline made me want to go directly to the comments. But my eye caught the line, “butt-chugging sunlight and had to read on. Now that I’ve made it to the comments I wanna give you all the stars for posting the perfect meme for what I thought while reading this comedy.

Taint that the truth.

Just do it in front of your living room window or patio door. Bonus points if its at ground level. 

It is baffling to me that I immediately knew the origin of this GIF. Why does my brain retain information like “one of the extras from the ‘Friday’ song”?????

Thirty seconds of sunlight on your butthole is the equivalent of a full day of sunlight with your clothes on.”

I’m gonna go ahead and guess that “Metaphysical Meghan” isn’t all that into the scientific method. Or critical thinking. Just woo woo. 

Sure, just let me peel off my winter coat, hat, gloves, scarf, boots, wool jumper, long sleeved t-shirt, tank top, skirt, wool tights, another pair of tights and underwear. Oh, no, I missed the three minutes of sunlight we get per day in november! I guess I’ll just have to try again tomorrow

We already sunbathe our assholes....or at least half sunbathe em/fake tan em:

Yeah, that’s definitely a picture of a sunbathing asshole.

And these are the people who are worried their kids could get autism from vaccines...

Weird that it took Nintendo this long... I wonder what’s the backstory for this.

That Mewtwo tho. Looks like I know one of the places I’m going next year when I visit Tokyo again