Honestly my response would be a cheery smile and something like “do you have to try to be this nosy or does it just come naturally?”
Honestly my response would be a cheery smile and something like “do you have to try to be this nosy or does it just come naturally?”
Evil week life hacks are the stuff I do normally. Am I evil?
I got hit by a short change scammer one time and ended up with $50 of his money in my till so I feel confident that I’d see though this shit pretty quick.
I don’t get it, do they have you take them off to inspect them and run off with your kicks?
Honestly if that was the hook my husband would find me shoeless, carless, and asking for more money
That’s good that you haven’t had any since, but studies more recent than the 1990 one about spermicide use and UTI cannot establish post-coital voiding as a risk factor for recurrent UTI. It’s one of those anecdotal nuggets that doesn’t appear to hold up to scrutiny.
Bingo. All else being equal, I’d much rather be with someone who’s made mistakes, knows what they did wrong, and is working on fixing it than someone who’s just never screwed anything up.
Uhh thanks for the lamest flex in the world and pretending like I can’t comprehend the concept of protecting your assets?
Peeing does nothing. E coli grabs into the walls of the urethra and for some reason grabs even harder when you try to flush it out by urinating.
I cannot imagine dating someone for an entire year without talking about finances. I had a bunch of debt and was poor when my husband and I met, and I laid that shit out on the table because if it was going to be a deal breaker, it only seemed fair to let him know up front.
Yeah, I’m firmly in the ‘don’t tell them’ camp. Of course, that applies only to one-offs in which you don’t have contact with that person and are certain you’re not going to do it again (and you got a cootie check so you don’t expose them to something).
It’s a pretty blatant violation of their constitutional rights to forbid them from meeting socially, especially considering no charges have been brought.
We have slush puppy machines in the Midwest (red tastes like jugo de Jamaica) and they are hell of inferior to Icees.
I literally ushered a spider onto my hand this morning to get it out of harm’s way but I would exterminate that fucking fish if it pulled that shit on me.
It’s an invasive species that is likely going to wreck the local ecosystem if it isn’t eradicated. The fact that it can walk and breathe on land means it can spread more easily to other bodies of water and survive events the native species can’t.
That’s cool if you want to compare these dudes hiding from the limelight to doing time, and yeah there is a valid question in how long do we make them do penance, but that requires them to ACTUALLY BE PENITENT. Your cart is so far ahead of the horse it’s almost like you’re asking these questions to be obtuse and…
GIF is my personal bugbear. I don't care how the inventor says it's pronounced, he's not a fucking linguist!
This was my beef as well. With a rudimentary knowledge of biology and physics, anyone could tell you what they proposed was simply not possible in the dimension where we exist.