This was my beef as well. With a rudimentary knowledge of biology and physics, anyone could tell you what they proposed was simply not possible in the dimension where we exist.
GodDAMN this story
Are you using any sort of ad or cookie blocker? Kinja won't work across the various sites if cross-site tracking is blocked. I have this problem on my PC because I use privacy badger, and I understand Apple browsers block this.
My glasses were clear just like hers and had an elastic strap that was bullshit, I kept trying to get my fingers under them or push them up in both Valium sleep and regular sleep, and they’d move around and try to smack me in my precious new laser eyes. I wish I’d thought of tape, would’ve saved me a lot of stress.
I recognize Atwood’s past contributions to feminism but I question whether stories like this have value anymore besides horror porn. In the past, this kind of speculative, near-future story might have helped people feel less isolated and had a galvanising effect on those who read it, so I get that. But today,…
Lol fuckin nerd
Can someone explain to me how this shitty dufus married Connie fucking Chung?
They do? I thought his type was little girls.
GodDAMN I love M-W serving this shit up on the reg
These autoplay ads have to fucking stop.
Because there are legal and social benefits to being married, as well as the fact that marriage is a whole hell of a lot more than being chained to just one dick or pussy.
You’d know if you ate mold. It tastes exactly like dirt.
If you shit like I do, glacier cold mountain streams shot at your b hole are a fucking relief.
The real blowout "wedding" after 30 years is when you just sneak out of wherever you live without telling anyone and have an excellent vacation. And if you really get along after 30 years, you take the trip together.
My guess (assuming your experience plays out across the board) is that people on active duty know their current and immediate future lives are directly affected by policy, where people who go through something unnecessarily difficult tend to think back on it fondly (it’s a psychological coping mechanism; it fails or…
I didn’t even know who Pete Davison was at the time but you can bet your ass I started paying attention to him after that. His bit was fucking hilarious.
Treason has really specific requirements; one is that we have to be at war with the country this shit for brains just betrayed us to for the billionth time. We aren't friends, but we haven't declared war, so legally no treason can occur.