a rabbit's opinion

Best I can figure is it’s a price thing. Some market test somewhere probably identified the price people will pay for a package of meat and since they all likely have different costs to produce, bam, different quantities to keep close to that ideal price.

Best I can figure is it’s a price thing. Some market test somewhere probably identified the price people will pay

Lol ok

Yeah, but that’s easier said than done. The problems that people need treatment for are often the very problems that contribute to being overweight. I put on 30lb before I could get a tear in my hip treated because I couldn’t run and lift anymore, and my assigned doctor blew me off.

I’ve yet to hear any expected timeframe for this supposed recession apart from “soon” which tells me all prognostications on the matter are less than worthless, since the fear mongering is likely to cause investors to panic sell.

Idk what they put in that “spicy” powder but I’m pretty sure what I tried didn’t have any sizchuan peppercorn in it. Either way it had no flavor.

You’re some kind of food magician, I love this

Things are so fucked these days that that took me a couple seconds.

There is nothing like people threatening to kill you on Facebook and sending screenshots to their employers.

What I wouldn't give to be the jam in that sandwich

If this isn't the most American Christian thing that exists I don't know what is.

Thanks I got sick just thinking of it.

I would literally just cry if I found myself in that position. I learned to cook (and I love cooking) from him and Julia, and if I ever got more than a fraction as good as him with a knife, I’d die happy.

I think Yan is on PBS online now!

Great story.

Pixel 3, Android 9, crashes when I command ‘read my messages’.

Are you incapable of understanding 2 parties can both be assholes?

Again, one group of people acting like assholes doesn’t mean another group aren’t also acting like assholes.

Right? People have perfectly valid and well-reasoned arguments against the epic store, besides the fact that they’re spending their money and will decide how to do it. For any developer to come out and just be like ‘dude you’re a big dumb baby if you complain about a free product [with drm], just install it’ is to

Man, I don’t even have a dog in this fight (I hate both stores equally), and even I thought their argument was not good. You don’t find support by telling your potential customers ‘hey, this thing you care about doesn’t matter, so our decisions about it should be immune to criticism’ and I wouldn’t be surprised if

That’s why plastic boards with knife grooves in them are very difficult to clean. Wood is naturally antibacterial because it sucks the water out of the cells.