a rabbit's opinion

Fucking. Bingo.

I’m really hoping the Sentinelese buried him deep enough to not be a continued disease risk and kill any other motherfuckers who try to roll up on them.

Please keep shutting these motherfuckers down.

In the vast majority of cases, men have reduced sensation (or feel that they do), but their dicks still work just fine. Those that have real problems as far as pain, lack of sensation, and dry skin are mostly those that suffered complications with the procedure.

They can’t bear to be left out of anything. This is why average dudes think the shit we put up with as women isn’t that bad; they think our oppression is the same as their made up suffering.

I disagree with circumcision of minors for ethical reasons, but comparing it to female genital mutilation is a faulty premise.

Their whole reasoning is that they have the authority to prevent someone from “killing” a “kid”. Whatever authority Congress would have to ban “child murder” would necessarily extend to child mutilation; there isn’t a practical difference between the two as far as the federal government would be concerned.

If the conservatives on the SCOTUS bench had any consistency in their so-called beliefs, this would have very interesting ramifications for Roe V Wade and other abortion protections.

Don’t hold your breath. In all of history there’s never been a group with privileged status who willingly gives it up. We’re going to collectively stay asleep until everyone is a lovely tan to olive color thanks to the ease of travel.

I’m hoping this is one of those situations where editing really changed the tone of the film, because I'm pretty sure either of these guys can already afford a swimming pool.

I don’t recall a white savior issue with that story, but I do recall a serious case of magical black man and shitty, maudlin white people.

Might be one thing if he’d served his full sentence and demonstrated he can control his woman-attacking urges. It’s a pretty fuckin big red flag when someone has absolutely done the crime and pulls strings to get out of doing the time.

When you beat the living shit out of someone who hasn’t attacked you, in front of their fucking kids, there’s no “mistake” about it. Fuck every single person (read: man) who does this and pulls this “I made a mistake please forgive me” bullshit. Yeah, you fucked up, but you didn’t accidentally punch a woman 20 times


Unless you were told this directly from your state Medicaid I would be very skeptical that this is the case (and even then I want to read their manual). I can’t look up yours bc I don’t know what state you’re in, but let’s look at Medicare for example: multiple visits to the same provider/specialty (for the same

“But Switzerland!” -every asshole and idiot taking it up the ass from the NRA and not even getting a reach around

If we’re putting it that way, we could just as easily say that men lack creativity and can’t even kill themselves without ruining other people’s lives.

I didn't see anything that advocates arrest of anyone based on prior behaviors, but a lot of people, myself included, think that certain types of violence should preclude access to guns.

Just how in the fresh hell does a network part of one of the largest media conglomerates in the world negotiate a contract worth millions that doesn’t contain a morals clause but does contain a pay-or-play clause??? If all the Matt Lauers, Charlie Roses, Dan Rathers, Don Imuses, and Brian Williamses of the world—not to

I’m not saying we shouldn’t cut down on animal ag emissions because they are not negligible and we can improve them, but this idea that it is the single largest source of emissions in the world is persistent with no evidence I can find for it. The UN (pg 2), EPA, and C2ES (successor to Pew Center on Global Climate