a rabbit's opinion

Bingo. This is why good hand washing and basic cleaning are important. Most times people “disinfect” a surface, they wipe it down with a Clorox wipe and never read the label: surfaces need to remain wet for a good 10 min depending on the product for disinfecting, and that doesn’t take care of all the cooties.

Joke’s on you I got a piece of a dead guy in mine

Sounds like a lot of people need to use some good old soap and water on their hands in addition to their sinks. Depending on the surface, you don’t need to disinfect it, you need to wash food off it.

Well, you see, they don’t want that info available to the government where they have laws to control the use of info and redress available, but they’re perfectly happy to share it with private orgs who sell it without restriction, no remedy for breaches, and no added value. It’s the American Way (tm)

I’d say odds are even that it was someone who wasn’t even actively involved in the conversation. This is the kind of chickenshit thing a chickenshit would’ve done if they were too afraid of getting rightly labeled an ignorant dickhead by speaking up.

I don’t see how it’s a stretch: if the restaurant hassles people for canceling at the last minute (because shit does, indeed, happen), then people will stop giving them the consideration of calling and will just no show.

Yeah, ‘last minute cancel’ is going to turn into No Show if they keep that up.

Imagine her just rolling up into the debates and standing in everyone’s face, then stealing their pudding.

His face is so punchable that as a 5'4 woman I’m pretty sure I could take him. The guy is tiny, I’d be shocked if he could even put on 10lb of muscle, and I guarantee he doesn’t know how to fight.

Generally employers are obligated to provide or pay for anything employees need for their jobs; if I were working in an office, as a W2 employee I would not have to pay out of pocket to print documents or chip in for an office printer. If I worked in a nail salon as a W2 employee, the owner should not be charging me

Well I’m glad to see my gut reaction to several episodes vindicated by science.

To really simplify, it seems you’re getting at the what and Ugh. is getting at the how. It’s interesting to see the two perspectives on what is essentially the same issue.

you’re not getting enough attention for this, I legit loled

People who have racism so ingrained as a behavior tend to conflate noting race with acting like a goddamn racist. Just like water is wet and the sun rises in the East, we should not be surprised when ignorant whataboutists spout this stupid shit.

I love to watch streakers, although I would guess most of them are insufferable attention whores in daily life. But I like what they do. They almost always have the most unsexy bodies, they take the piss out of sports, they get people angry over nothing, and gotdamn some of them can really run.

Please don’t take this the wrong way but omfg what kind of creature grown in a lab prefers commercials to just pausing it?

I can’t echo this enough. Someone who keeps pounding away while chasing an orgasm that I don’t want is just as bad as someone who never helps me out because they’re not listening to me. I have firsthand experience having satisfying good sex without an orgasm and it’s still frustrating and screws with the ego to have

Everything about #2 says he was judgmental about her camming and she figured she’d buy time to not catch hell about it/he’d decide it didn’t bother him. Why would she answer to him if he “confronted” her about the camming instead of talking to her about how the lie bothered him and emphasized that it was in the past

We don’t ride the cock carousel until our prospects dry up, we ride the cock carousel until we find one we like enough to nail down and hope they like us back.

Is Kovacs such a perfect fantasy figure in the book, too? I’m currently getting through the Southern Reach and I’m thinking of picking it up next but I’m a bit on the fence. It was hard to suspend that much disbelief.