a rabbit's opinion

Yeah, they think “has chlorine in it” means treated effectively. If my doc doesn’t work at the water testing lab, I’m boiling it or I’m getting distilled water. MDs are super knowledgeable about their areas of expertise but just as ignorant as the rest of us about everything else (and they rarely admit it).

Yeah, they think “has chlorine in it” means treated effectively. If my doc doesn’t work at the water testing lab, I’m boiling it or I’m getting distilled water. MDs are super knowledgeable about their areas of expertise but just as ignorant as the rest of us about everything else (and they rarely admit it).

I can’t understand being so dickhard about GMs. Like, why tho?

God I love this dumb ho

Excuse me, you spelled “baby killing libtard” wrong. I demand to be called by my proper title.

I think this is a token gesture and every voluntary resignation allows everyone to avoid the hard, uncomfortable work of investigating sexual harassment and assault claims to make everyone reassess their ideas of what constitutes these problematic behaviors and attitudes. It wouldn’t be better if they were more

I knew you coast people were alright.

Yep, if I pull out more education than you then I’m just an elite, if I pull out less education than you, I don’t know what I’m talking about, says the guy who had a hard time understanding that “woman” modifies “senator” in a headline. Wow, a dozen other people agreed with you.

Yep, me bringing up the name for other animals is what makes it ok for people to call women the names for other animals. Surely you are the better pedant, cock.

Yeah the point being that women aren’t bitches, I think you might have missed it.

Did you feel that rush of air when something passed over your head?

No, I’m not insisting that everyone is less educated than me. I hated school; I graduated high school as a sophomore in college, did one more year in university, and couldn’t stand it anymore so I dropped out.

Every so often, people propose tying schoolteachers’ salaries to their students’ achievement since on its face it seems like a win-win; we can incentivize higher performance while simultaneously rewarding those teachers who work harder.

I was insinuating for humor purposes that you’ve been unwittingly masturbating horses.

Thank you for being the one person to understand the joke.

Like yes thank you, every humorless meat computer that responded to me, I know that mares have titties to feed their babies because they’re mammals but I’m insinuating that a dude has been yanking off horses.

The intake manifold under 100,000 miles and the head gasket at 130k

I don’t know what you’ve been yanking on, buddy, but horses don’t have udders.

So how does everyone know that a female deer is a doe, a female horse is a mare, a female chicken is a hen, but it is two-thousand-fucking-seventeen and y’all are still confused that a female human is a woman and that ‘woman’ is also an adjective?

You know how a female dog is called a bitch, and a female bovine is called a cow? An adult female human is called a woman. It’s not that complicated.

goddamnit Al