a rabbit's opinion

I just need to know when the rivers turn to blood.

I would much rather, if a coworker feels I’m in violation of some policy whether it be a dress code or a way to do things, hear about my clothing choices from HR than from said coworker who is my peer. HR can screen out the creeps and the busy bodies for me. I’m doing it that way because I deemed it appropriate in my

Yes! My first performance review after I started working in an office after a decade in retail pharmacy was all about my personality! Not a single thing to say about my work but I had a supervisor tell me that I’d rubbed her wrong at first and she’d ignored it (for three months?) but then when “other people” started

That’s weird because my vet friends and family and my active duty spouse are very vocal that the reason for their service is specifically so that people can protest. When I volunteered to enlist, it was for the same reason.

But if you aren’t that coworker’s supervisor, how is that your responsibility?

I am American because I was born here. You are American because you were born here. Why are immigrant children not American when they’re born here?

You’re talking about consequences of parental actions, not direct action taken by the state. I don’t care if people believe in paying for the sins of their fathers or they think everything is some kind of simplistic karmic balance, that’s not actually how karma works and it’s certainly not the basis of American law.

Summer is bad because you can’t work a condom or sunscreen? I think I’m getting it now.

You don’t deserve the beach.

How about wetsuit shampoo and a handwash/soak? Wetsuits get good and nasty from whatever you’re swimming in, and I don’t know a single diver who doesn’t pee in their suit at least once per dive. Wetsuit shampoo, while not as cheap as Dr. Bronner’s or Dawn, is not quite as expensive as it seems since it’s usually

Have you found any logical points from this theoretical “other side” or are you just imagining that they exist for some kind of ‘what if’ argument? I’ve yet to see any other than a rehashing of the same old “gawdam illegals go home” which isn’t productive.

DACA recipients are culturally first generation Americans.

My apologies, I got fucked by mobile. Yours was not the comment I intended to reply to, it was the one about the rule breakers.

When someone acts exactly like they are autistic it’s not ableist to say they are acting like they are autistic, I still don’t know what to tell you. Don’t ask for explanations and refuse to read them.

Yeah, keep thinking of yourself as an ally while you call atypical people ableists. Go fuck yourself.

People who make the “why does your sexuality matter at work” comment never seem to say this when it comes to straight people talking about their families at work. Sexuality was an important part of getting into a family for most people, since humans reproduce sexually and unless they were created via artificial

I’m literally autistic, jackass. In addition to what Money Hustard said, yes, it infuriates me to have to socialize in that way with coworkers because I just want to work while I’m at work.

It’s not a new trend to have friends at work, make friends from work, or even meet a spouse at work. This has happened since humans had language. You don’t have to participate, but there’s no reason to begrudge other people that, either. It’s commonplace for straight people to have pictures of their family at work or

You’re the ableist. I’m autistic, and he’s a bigot. Someone help me out here, I think you just played yourself.

Yeah, because babies and minor children have so much say over what their parents do. Do you even know who DACA applies to?

So if you could get this nebulous idea of wrong and right that you never define out of the argument for a minute, what does it accomplish to have people constantly moving back and forth between two countries who never pay taxes and are never legally employed?