a rabbit's opinion

Right? Like, imagine two young people, one girl and one boy. The boy is raped, the girl is brought up around violence and a general lack of understanding of emotions. Sounds like some bullshit “edgy” gender flip show destined for the CW back before it was called the CW, right? Hint: it’s real.

How reductive is it to

Word always was that he has moderate to severe OCD but that’s not necessarily crippling

The county needs to pay for one of those reputation clean up services that literally scrubs the internet and gets a lawyer to have arrest records expunged, this is just horrific.

I piss and moan CONSTANTLY about people blocking the intersection but just because they’re breaking the law doesn’t mean I’m in the right to barrel along if the way isn’t clear. When the CWS comes in and all these out-of-towners who just don’t get it start clogging up 10th Street, I have to wait through 3 cycles of

It’s assault even if a victim/recipient copes well. Nothing about their ability to handle the attacker’s behavior mitigates the fact that they committed assault. Nothing about being drunk or sad mitigates the fact that the attacker has attacked someone else. It’s an attack on someone else’s person whether it leaves

It’s not the men who actually do like women they perceive as being strong and smart. It’s the ones who talk about it all the time. They use it to try to signal that they’re harmless when in reality they are predators and rapists.

Wow, thanks for taking what, 5 tries to address the actual working conditions of the job when I tried to figure them out from the get go?

Yep, while you ignore several points I bring up because you’re set that it’s just kids these days and ungrateful Americans. I’m not the one who can’t fill the position at that pay rate.

Yes, that’s frustrating. But it’s frustrating because that’s a shitty job with shitty pay. You didn’t mention any opportunity for a raise, and because for some reason employers pay you based on what your previous job paid you, that job will trap you in low wages if you stay there for any period of time.

I started my job IN high school and didn’t have to work such shit hours with shit overtime and when I left I cleared damn near $16/hr on 2nd shift without OT and that was before shift differential. I was trained on the job. Woopty do at less than two bucks more than a still shitty minimum wage. There’s a reason people

It’s not regardless of the pay, though. It’s that minimum wage continues to be the baseline that no one wants to deviate too far from, but minimum wage can’t support anyone. If it started at $15 or $16 or was day shifts, you’d have more takers. The money doesn’t match the working conditions.

Me: Mid 30's? Sure buddy, she has to be pushing 40—

It is incomprehensible to me that I could get to the bottom of this celebrity resume of crap and tenuous connections to find that this kid was just born with a porn stage name and is not, in fact, a film star.

I screenshot anything over like 25 stars on Kinja to show my husband so he can tell me how proud he is.

Good. So when you get hurt, you have a religious exemption from going to the emergency room, right?


Did something change or is Pittsburgh not aware this is a fetishist thing? They’re having a parade? Wow.

Rofl well there is an age where you stop absorbing pop culture and for me that age is 29

I’m certain that’s what she meant.

It’s just bizarre to me that an organization older than oh, most countries in the West, can’t figure out how to deal with criminals in their midst.