a rabbit's opinion

A red state is not a solid block of red, it’s not a case of teaching an entire state of people to stop voting against their own best interests. The idea of burning it down or letting it get so bad people will be unable to ignore it is not how they come around to progressive leaders, it’s how they become so desperate

You aren’t fucking over red states, you are also fucking over your liberal brothers and sisters who live in those red states. We’re the collateral damage.

Red states aren’t unbroken seas of red, they’re full of liberals who don’t have the resources to move or don’t want to because these are our homes or our families are here. We have roots here just like you have roots in CA. Don’t say you’re progressive and hang us out to dry when we need you to stick with us.

Liberals stuck in red states don’t have the resources to move and don’t always want to because our families are where we are. We don’t want to leave, we want to change our environment.

When we protest with words, you say we’re lazy. When we state fact and use your own figures against you, you ignore them and go off on crazy tangents about the principles you profess to uphold while demonstrating the opposite. When we protest physically so you can’t ignore it, we’re vile, disgusting, and hooligans. 

Ah, the standard, “if blacks weren’t so rude they wouldn’t get such terrible treatment, it is easy for me from a very different background with different life experience so everyone should do this easily” argument.

If that officer can’t do his job when someone doesn’t hold his hand and say please and thank you, he isn’t fit for duty.

By attacking small children. Have you heard the phrase “missing the forest for the trees” and do you know what it might mean?

Bullshit, doesn’t matter, she doesn’t have to call for medical attention in order for her son to have been choked. If the child can talk, he can breathe, and anyone with half a brain knows that and knows the isn’t anything an ambulance will do for you by that point. The officer’s belief about something that happened

I always thought the coatings were BS and consequently hated my glasses until I finally got the antireflective coating. It makes a world of difference. Especially if you have a slight astigmatism, it really cuts down on glare and doubling for night driving and/or driving in the rain.

I don’t think a lack of training is a valid reason not to hold someone accountable, but no one should be yelling at staffers. That said, people are going to call in with stern, tense, and even heated tones of voice. None of those are abusive or yelling. If they’re not getting to the point or purposely tying up the

I want to know this too

I’m curious to know this too. My gut would say it would be useful for them to have data to say people agree with them.

Are staffers randomly assigned? Do they know which party or for which rep/senator’s office they will be working when they go in for the job?

Lol nah, I’m also not a doctor and their gallbladders are probably whack

Catastrophic shits in people who are otherwise healthy are usually due to sudden changes in diet or food poisoning, which typically goes undetected because of sudden onset and short duration of less than 24 hours. 

Men are not bad and stupid, YOU are stupid. You’re not stupid because you are a man, you’re stupid because you refuse to learn when people point obvious things out to you. You just happen to be a man. The genders of the people in this scenario would be irrelevant if not for the fact that you refuse to listen to anyone

Oh cool so they’ll ban this Christian ideology that keeps popping up in public schools.

And give the straight man the opportunity to be the jokester sometimes. They really like that.

Good god I wish that were true.