Why would they sell their parking lots to an outside source? I can see contract with them to run it, still reaping a profit, but sell them outright?
Why would they sell their parking lots to an outside source? I can see contract with them to run it, still reaping a profit, but sell them outright?
And your degree was in....
Clearly the man just got out of a very cold shower. Significant shrinkage.
If any team knows about cleaning up some shocked #2 it’s Penn State.
The same reason for typing grammatically incorrect sentences: some people like to watch the world burn.
It’s a strange thing to think about but corporations are already international right? They have no country anymore, they care about the US but they also care about the UK and India. Equally. With that in mind... We need world wide standardized pricing of goods, commodities, and services, within a standard deviation,…
With more and more service industries going overseas the need for joint worker cooperation (i.e. unions) is growing. You hear Donald Trump complaining about ford sending manufacturing jobs to Mexico, you don’t hear him asking why our I.T. professionals are housed in India. These were the jobs which replaced building…
Was that wrong? Was I not supposed to do that? I tell ya, I’ve got to plead ignorance on this thing because if anyone had said anything to me at all when we first started this campaign that that sort of thing was frowned upon...
At least when he’s doing it it’s sanitized.
Who needs panties?
Republicans who I can respect? What’s next, Republicans who believe in science? Democrats who are factually reverent? I’m not ready for this.
Why isn’t this being reported on more? If that is the case. Sanders had a huge following, he should be out there telling people a vote for dems is a vote for him leading the senate, not a bad second place for presidency.
I played NHL 2K16 once last year. I’m not nearly as good as college boy over here, nor do I have a blog, but I’m not making it up like this phony over.
First they came for Cam’s brain and I said nothing.
The Fox statisticians who declare Trump the winner on 11/8 will be looking for work on 11/9. Just like last time.
Mover 2: “Safe? What safe? I haven’t seen any safe with precious materials in it.”
Reaching, 10 yard penalty resulting in a Kinja first down.