A bit pudgey

No. Yogurt sucks. Period.

There is only one correct choice this year and it is the cubs. Once they get the championship they can go back to sucking for 100+ years. I wish that blight on the red sox too.

He’s very tongue and cheek tbh.

You know, he could just skip the whole green card thing and be an illegal... work at a fast food place, roof houses, sometimes not get paid for hours of labor.

Like many teenage boys the dictator is in dire need of a haircut and a shower.

I wish he was the nominee. I could get passionate about Biden, I could support him to friends and family. Now I’m just defending against Trump. HRC might not win this, she might not, Because people are stupid, and she has enough baggage to swing things.

OO! I know this one!

Pro’s don’t cost that much money and I’m not poor like you.

This game was postponed from yesterday, like the twins rebuilding strategy, which is postponed until 2025

You would have to not like women to not. I mean. Damn.

“...I’m probably going to buy season tickets next year...” And here in lies the problem. Morons. The NFL laughs all the way to the bank every time. I hope three people die of heat stroke next game.