
I am an immigrant with documents. I am terrified too. My lawyer has told me that I should go out of my way to avoid ANY contact with the law even if it is resolved quickly and in my favor. I am terrified and I am not the only one. It is also sad and disheartening to know that the human heart is capable of so much hate

bitch, you cant lawyer up, they already judged up.

Did anyone see that Christine Baranski offered to play DeVos on SNL? I need this in my life right now, please give me this one, TV Gods.

Wow. Aren’t you a horrible piece of shit. You see a woman who has lived in this country since she was 14, being deported in front of her children and all you can think about is “breaking the law”. When laws are more important than human beings, then the laws are nothing more than oppression. Don’t hide behind the

Families being torn apart, lives destroyed.

Well. I feel safer now.

I know a lot of us were disappointed that we failed to convince the GOP to vote against DeVos and Sessions, but remember, this shit right here is why we need to keep fighting every damn day.

Trump supporters probably don’t shop there anyway.

Side conversation:

Love her, but she’ll be 71 in 2020. Too old to run for President. The Democrats need some fresh talent and someone who can pull from the center and center-right. Not sure that’s her.

There are, alas, some resistant strains.

The last time I did a fact I got a factually transmitted disease and had to take a course of truthocyclin.

I am a public school teacher. I am sitting at my desk, which is in a classroom in a public school full of minorities and SpEd students, and I am weeping. I have about 9 minutes left on my lunch break, and I don’t know that I can pull it together in time. I am crushed, absolutely gutted. I am afraid for my students, I

Well, you know what that means. Melissa McCarthy has to play Spicer every. goddamn. time. from here on out. Yes, forget that she potrayed Spicer as a total psychopath, how dare the portrayal is by a woman. Heaven forbid such an offense!

So, no one told him that SNL isn’t ‘news’? I mean, they do Weekend Update...so I can see how one could be confused...

Now playing

As Trump doesn’t seem to like mockery and sarcasm, he’s going to hate the UK. Plus, we’ve already had multiple protests against him. It’s a longstanding tradition for Brits to mock anyone who is too full of themselves. Trump provides ample fodder for that mockery.

Goddamn he’s the worst. If you were writing and book and wanted a rich, douchey character and used all of trump’s lines in it, your publisher would laugh in your face and say it wasn’t believable. He doesn’t have one redeeming quality. NOT ONE.

Of course they adored him! He’s so much of what this family embodies. Do they have a dark side and some eccentricities? Hell yeah - being a Royal is some major mind-fucking shit. But the Queen respects education, levity, class, eloquence and any American that can handle and even flow with the thick skinned British

If Trump thinks he has it bad over here, it is going to be 10x worse over there. The public is allowed to get ridiculously close in England, the first thing he will see out the window of AF1 will be protests and every second on the ground will be people yelling at him. He will be forced to see the hatred for him.

This summer, many farms in Washington state had trouble bringing crops in because immigration had tightened so considerably, the folks who typically made up the crews were either denied access or too worried to try. A public radio show interviewed farmers who said they’d posted help wanted ads. People without