It should be clarified that Kroenke owns the LA Gladiators, since OWL has two LA teams.
It should be clarified that Kroenke owns the LA Gladiators, since OWL has two LA teams.
son: this tesla car is great dad
“I don’t want to objectively think about an issue, so every argument I make must include an easily dispatched strawman.”
Ehh, you kind of sound like a cunt who just assumes the worst about others so I doubt anyone would want to play with you even if you did find a place..
There is real talk that he is stepping aside in prep of the Seattle vote this month. If the expansion is approved, he is first in line to GM a brand new team from scratch with his own expansion draft.
Thank you for reminding me why I stopped commenting on this site
Don't blame the Nationals. I’d be very surprised if the MLB Collective Bargaining Agreement allows three consecutive doubleheaders.
They changed the AI response time to 200ms to mimic a human player. Read the blog , its facinating stuff.
Ohio State Football: “Man, what a terrible day.”
It’s the Google Home’s startup sound.
His tunnel boring machine must have hit a major breakthrough, given the rate at which he is digging himself in a hole.
When you say Brazil are ‘not frauds’ you mean it in the sense that the word ‘fraud’ is not in itself strong enough to convey their breathtaking fraudulence correct?
If you liked the SGDQ 2018 race, you’ll love the SGDQ 2016 race.
Hockey is over for the summer. That sucks! Perhaps, maybe, the only thing that can get us through those lean months…
They are also known for losing in similarly stupid fashion in Dota 2.
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