
Just remember:

“’I was trying to kill him for cheating,’ she said, according to the officer’s report. ‘That was my purpose.’”

Now playing

The Persona 4 Endurance Run is pretty great if you have a spare... billion hours, or so.

Worst thing I saw all year, and I saw the Young Sheldon pilot.

Yeah, that actually kinda ruins this for me.

“Switch Exclusive” seems like a weird label since, unless I’m mistaken about DLC availability, this is (like BOTW) also available on Wii U?

I too, liked Sen’s Fortress.

I bought the *deep breath* Kingdom Hearts II.8 HD Final Chapter Prologue collection at Gamestop for $20 yesterday so I could play *deeper breath* Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep 0.2 - A Fragmentary Passage -, and thanks to it only being 2 hours long, I’ve already completed it!

 You’re in for a treat. Horizon is a standout in a year of incredible games.

I know Howard pretty well, he thinks it’s a good movie. (He’s right.)

Doom 64.

If there’s one thing I love, it’s seeing Speed Racer acknowledged as a good movie.

Heck yeah Billy Hatcher is on this list!

Dad 76 is a meme, no backstory.

it looks cool

TF2 is a solid comparison, but it’s not 1 to 1. It’s a much more focused experience, games lasting ~15 minutes and pushing you into playing more aggressively than a lot of TF2 maps did. No turtling on 2Fort or Turbine for ages this time around.

I hadn’t watched GDQ before, but my friend had it on while I was at his house on the fourth, and the Doom run hooked me. Had it on in the background basically every time I was sitting down doing something the rest of the week.

What are these frothingly angry comments you were talking about at the start, then? Because no one can seem to find them but you.

This has little to do with the movie, and more to do with the passive aggressive tone he took the second anyone disagreed with him. The movie is fine, I don’t really care who likes it and who doesn’t. I care about being insulted for making a jokey comment about it.

So you’re telling me that when you said “people” were treating you unfairly, you meant “people except for Zuldim who is one of like two people who has replying at all positively about the movie”?