You did. You’re lying.
You did. You’re lying.
Yeah, I had fun with it. Not every movie needs to be a 10/10 masterpiece, we can have a 8/10 enjoyable film and that’s fine.
Nice stealth edit to further insult me, by the way, Mr. “Don’t Make Things Personal”
What content? Your post was “this movie is bad.” My post was “this movie is good.” Then you started going on about how angry and unfairly people were treating you.
Whatever dude, you’re the one who got personal about this.
I don’t see how “this thing people liked was bad and they’re stupid for liking it” (which is what you fundamentally said when you said people get defensive about lowest-common-denominator content) promotes discussion.
What was the end game of going to a post specifically about Kong: Skull Island and posting that Kong: Skull Island sucks? To what end were you doing this if not to stir shit?
I’m amazed how upset I made people.
I try. Not hard, but I try.
My offhand jokey comment about liking the movie was totally angry, good point. *eyeroll*
Good news! He did! It’s called Kong: Skull Island!
Pff, we know the real reason is “Jason Schreier delayed them”
They are very Zelda-esque, but imagine Zelda without any of the towns or mini-games or stuff to do in between dungeons. There’s an overworld where you can collect heart pieces, and treasure, and such, but it’s not like Ocarina or something where the world feels very filled in, other than some dungeons. (At least in… Reminds me of when Breaking Bad fans kept throwing pizzas on some poor lady’s roof.
Ouch! I cut myself on your edgy comment!
Good point. Anyway, I’m going to go play more Pokemon 26 and Pokemon 27.
It’s been generally assumed (or outright stated) that people eat Pokemon, I always figured the big different with the slowpoketail stuff (at least when it was implied to be illegal/immoral) was that they were cutting off the tail and then releasing the animal back into the wild to suffer/die.
Someone should.