
And let’s be realistic - would someone with Rick’s sense of honor and loyalty (no matter how skewed and depraved and psychotic at times) really just NEVER try to get back to his wife and daughter? Like, he’s supposed to just be like *shrug* WELL THAT’S OVER and go start in some new settlement? That seems really

It ain't gonna kill you, son. Relax.

Nobody died, right?  Accident.

Hillary Clinton moved to New York for the first time in November 1999. By November 2000, she had been elected Senator in a state she’d lived in for a grand total of less than one year. Other candidates with far more experience both in public office and in the state, who had already announced their intention to run for

I honestly don’t like the Justin’s peanut butter cups, I wanted to, but nope. I love the Reese’s peanut butter cups, I don’t care what you all say. Also, Dove has a good chocolate peanut butter candy.

I gave up on the GOP when McConnell said that his #1 priority was to make Obama a one term president. He said this while the country was still in a recession, they do not give a shit about the country and have not for the last 10 years.

So far this season had been pretty dumb, but not absolutely terrible. That changed with this episode. I really don’t want to see Rick and Daryl hang out in a random hole in the ground, or Negan give Michonne a “we’re not so different, you and I” speech and cry about a damn baseball bat, or really see Negan do or say an

Negan is the worst. Every moment with him onscreen has been excruciating. 

Well that, and your crazy electoral system that allows partisans to create hyper-gerrymandered districts. You need a supermajority of Dems to win from the kickoff. You also need either an arms-length agency in charge of drawing electoral districts, like most western democracies that value fairness over game rigging.

Back in 1997 I was finishing up college, and nursing a few crushes around town. I accepted a date with a handsome but awkward nerd boy for a Halloween party. I was dressed as Little Red Riding hood. He forgot a costume. The date was dull. Terribly dull. Minutes after my date told me has was a virgin because “he was too

Its embarrassingly stupid how hard white Democratic leaders pander to the mythical “moderate Republican” while largely shushing and sidelining their actual base of POC. That’s what’s splintering the party and allowing the Republicans to dominate elections. Put your star players in the game dumbasses.

If you look at the issues themselves, presented in a non-partisan way, the country as a whole is not centrist at all. It’s quite liberal. Huge majorities are in favor of reproductive freedom, gun control, comprehensive sex education in public schools, better school funding, decriminalization of marijuana, de-privatizat

Yeah, I think about that a lot. And I don’t know what the answer is. Porn is out there. Really violent, extreme, misogynistic porn is the norm now, and you can’t really put that cat back in the bag. Nor can you control what your 15 year old is looking at on the internet. And while I guess parents can and should have

A buddy of mine and I were talking last night about the fact that young boys develop what we think about sex a lot of times from what we see. We’re both old now, and remember seeing the occasional boob in a movie (Porkies, etc) and being able to have access to porn mags. I knew what a naked woman looked like long

Square cut pizza is for rubes who are confused by triangles. 

When you look at a lot of the porn that’s popular today, with the slapping, spitting, gagging, gang bangs, rough sex and insulting dialogue, since that’s what Today’s Man wants and actively pursues, how could anyone be surprised at this? They don’t want women who talk back or stand up for themselves, they want

TL;DR “You’ve gotta stop with this pro-woman feminism stuff. Nobody wants that. It kills the fantasy.”

“You’ve gotta stop with this pro-woman feminism stuff. Nobody wants that. It kills the fantasy.”

I get where you are coming from but I have always gotten thrift store furniture and so has family members (it is a lot easier when an animal destroys something when you didn’t pay tons of money for) and we literally have never had an issue with pests. But I can see why some people are leery. I really lucked out with

I get where you are coming from but I have always gotten thrift store furniture and so has family members (it is a

I have gotten some *killer* mid-century modern furniture from thrift stores and Craigslist, including couches, and the trick is: be down to reupholster. Yes, it costs money on par with a new (but cheap) couch, but it eliminates any residual yuckiness and instantly fixes most perceived problems. Most thrift stores

I have gotten some *killer* mid-century modern furniture from thrift stores and Craigslist, including couches, and