
I really feel the date should have ended with a “Deere John” letter...

Milk, Whey, Milk Protein Concentrate, Whey Protein Concentrate, Water, Milkfat, Lactic Acid, Lactose, Buttermilk Solids, Enzymes, Vitamin A Palmitate* — the fully-separated and slightly redundant list of ingredients in milk and rennet

Wait, what age range of millennials are.we using today? It seems like it chamges every week. Mayne it's because named generations are just completely made up crap by random people.

I’m about your age, but I’m more taken aback when someone calls me “sir”. I’d take Dude any day.

I’m all over the map on this and have left a few comments here that would reflect that. I was with a woman once who left me because I was depressed and the magic left (there was a little more to it in that I was in a bad work and debt situation and without getting into it, she gave me the push I needed to get a job in

Came here to essentially make the same point. Closure is not something that happens in real life. Expecting closure from a relationship is like expecting life to be fair.

BaE reads like he wants the chance to break up with her. The comments about how the tables have turned with him being out of her league (to, what, her being out of his league?), and how he needs to confirm he’s out of love with her. I think it’s less about closure, and more about being the one who got dumped.

Agreed. I’ve been in BaE’s shoes before, and that kind of depression really can make for a miserable living situation, and the relationship can deteriorate as a result to the point where it’s no longer salvageable.

The BaE story makes me think there’s a lot more from the GF’s side that’s being left out. Even from his own story, he basically admits that he was horrible to live with for the past year; she has no obligation to him to give him anything or any time to fix himself, especially after she already put up with it for said

“I lay there, annoyed that I was getting fucked by a guy with Yeti pubes and a dick like the mushroom character in Mario Kart...

Yeah, I mean imagine if you’re so fucking fragile that someone at another table at a restaurant sending a text message bothers you. 

People used to say things like “...as unlikely as it sounds, Sears could go tits up one day...”

It is really difficult for people who had good parents to understand the depths shitty parents can sink to. They can understand indifferent parents, absent parents, dumb parents, mediocre parents.

“She can’t manipulate me as easily as she can my wife”


Right, I’m going to out myself as a complete bastard here, but let me try to offer some perspective:

I am married to a wonderful, supportive, brilliant woman—who happens to come from a wonderful, supportive, often brilliant family. I won the goddamned lottery in my marriage—but my relationships prior to this point

THIS. The rush of people to create scenarios where she “drove him” to suicide is super-gross, and often misogynistic at its core. Dissect and criticize her known behavior and its known fallout all you want, folks, but stop trying to create a fucking movie about Bourdain’s suicide. We don’t know why he did it for

Ugh! This type of shit is why I stopped going to church. Too many damn pimps in the pulpit.

So the stereo typical middle-aged woman is white? All other women generally die in their 30s? Or non-white women go straight into old age once they get past their 20s? Or do all women become white once they reach middle age? I’m deeply confused.

But rrpete, she was rich and his wife had been crippled in a car accident! What was he supposed to do?

I think that's a requirement in the family values party.