
Interesting about the Maupassant bonfire—but I don’t buy her implicit premise that by writing a book of short stories in which children are in danger and the characters have a vague sense of dread, she’s superior to other artists or readers who are going for sheer entertainment in these dark times. I’d argue it’s

A pediatrician should know the statistics about autism. It affects boys on a great level than girls. How would a vaccine correlate to that? Autism is also a spectrum disorder wherein some people are high functioning than others. Again how would a vaccine correlate to that? I’m sorry but Dr. Oz had real medical degrees

It doesn’t help that the spectrum has been stretched to the point of meaninglessness. Two of my three kids would probably have been on it if we’d pushed for a diagnosis, but in each case the pediatrician said the behaviors were likely things they would grow out of (and did). Whereas I swear some people seem to want

I agree with most of this.

Nickleback has sold 50 million albums. Large groups of people are wrong all the time.

I feel great sympathy for the families, but those “what if...” questions will do nothing but make you crazy. What if my loved one had a cold that night and stayed home? What if he had been standing somewhere else? What if the security guard had shot the assailant? You can’t rewind time and change the events. No

If she really didn’t want to be judged, she wouldn’t announce her choices.

No one wanted to apply? or the company wasn’t willing to cough of the dough to actually pay a fair wage.? Fields like that aren’t easily accessible gas money to and from work alone could have kept some from applying if the company only offered minimum. Hell I wouldn’t be surprised if the company just decided it was

THANK YOU. Seriously, I’m getting anxiety over all this talk of Hillary 2020, for chrissake. Again? God damn. One Trump vs. Hillary election wasn’t enough of a pathetic example of how the two-party system has utterly boned this country??

No—I think that argument ignores the realities of 2016. It’s wishful thinking at best. Hillary didn’t lose the election because of Bill, Hillary lost because of Hillary.

You’re right. I started looking for stuff to do and found an ASL class. That has the added benefit of making it easier to communicate with my mother-in-law, too. Thanks. :)

If I died in my sleep tonight I do not think I would care, and I do not think anyone else really would either.

when you clearly meet the basic requirements like personability (see: “nice guys,” who I guess can be compared to the well- or overqualified person who loses out on a job to an eye candy hire


My coworker is a lesbian and I have never asked her about her sex life so I’m the face of the Gay Rights Movement.

I’m the poster boy for BLM because of all the black kids I haven’t shot

Guys, he only abused one child. Like, he could have abused so many more but didn’t. He’s practically a hero.

Let’s give it up for Woody “I Only Raped Two Daughters” Allen, everyone.

A couple of things: Clinton didn’t assault Lewinsky. They had an affair, it was consensual. It sucks, it was wrong, but the real victim there was Hillary, she’s the one who got cheated on. Where I think Clinton fucked up vis-à-vis Lewinsky, along with the rest of the Democratic establishment and the media, is in their