They don’t see the risk of death as being as great as the risk of autism, because we see so much autism nowadays, and, thanks to vaccines, so little death from those illnesses. They fear the wrong thing.
They don’t see the risk of death as being as great as the risk of autism, because we see so much autism nowadays, and, thanks to vaccines, so little death from those illnesses. They fear the wrong thing.
I agree. I get the flu vaccine even though it makes me feel like shit for a couple of weeks. I haven’t gotten sick during that time, but some people do, and it sets them against flu vaccines. It makes me realize that vaccines affect the immune system until the body adjusts by providing immunity. I also had Lyme…
Counterpoint: I work with an elderly man who weighs 350+ lbs and needs knee replacement surgery. After several consultations with different surgeons, one mentioned that the surgery and recovery would be easier if he could possibly lose weight first. My co-worker was astounded, first, that this was true and second,…
I think second-guessing doctors is a good thing because of their blind spots. The hysteria around vaccines is due to the frightening rise of autism. It terrifies parents, and with good reason, but scapegoating vaccines is just stupid. In all likelihood, it’s glyphosphate and other Monsanto, et al, poisons that are…
Another complete idiot heard from.
Ok, first I read this as an event at the Pizza.
Neither of them, Bill or Hillary, is going to go away quietly. They have major entitlement issues. I’m terrified that Hillary is going to run again and give us Cheetolini, the sequel.
When your sense of yourself includes disdain for your own voters, you’re pretty much done. We didn’t despise her nearly as much as she despised us. Picking a conservative VP, e.g. All she had to do to win was pick Bernie as VP. Her arrogance, her belief that she had it in the bag — she screwed up and we all lost.
He actually gave her good advice but she ignored it. She tried to court conservatives, who will always hate her. He told her to campaign among working people.
I agree. She lost because she didn’t have the vision to be the president we wanted and she stole the nomination from the guy who did. Calling a livable minimum wage and affordable healthcare “ponies” was an utter disgrace, as bad as the “superpredators” comment.
Yeah, people with drugs always have someone to hit them up for drugs/money/a place to crash. They also have people who rob their place when they’re not home, borrow their car and crash it, call them in the middle of the night/work day for bail money, a lift to court, etc. If you want a group to hang out with, join a…
It sounds like she suffered from paranoia and/or extreme insecurity, and also that even her husband might not have known how bad her situation was. This is so hard, when people are so fearful/ashamed that they don’t even let on to those closest to them. How can you help them, then?
I agree totally. I never met Kate Spade or followed her in the news. I own one of her totes. That’s it. Yet, her suicide affects even me. The thought that she, successful, with a seemingly perfect life, could want out — why? Because the thought of her marriage breaking up, something that happens to all of us, was too…
Certainly among those whose parents let them spend all their time in front of screens.
Or, he hasn’t realized that even after “meeting the basic requirements,” you still have to go out and socialize, meet people and make connections. It’s like just having straight As in school doesn’t guarantee you a great career. You actually have to go out, ace the interview and then do the job.
And get realistic. Most of these guys think they deserve the particular woman they want, whether it’s an unfortunate teen girl they later murder for her refusal or Rihanna/someone equally gorgeous. Nobody deserves anyone in particular. You have to connect and it has to be mutual. If it’s not mutual, keep looking. In…
He also played the scary bad guy in a Star Trek movie.
You win the internet.
It’s a much bigger country down here.
I had a Vitamin D test and my levels were really low, inadequate. I started taking Vit D, and I feel a bit more energetic. But it’s really magnesium deficiency that affects me. Intense foot cramps that disturb sleep if I don’t take it.