
I've had Google maps and Gmail updated for a number of weeks now on Android, not sure why people are complaining that they are behind...

I did the same to my parent's home without them knowing. I set up a media server with XBMC about a year ago, and just last week installed a full Hue suite in their living room, complete with the Living bloom lamps and lightstrips.

I use an addon called HBMC Hue (https://github.com/cees-elzinga/s…) that dims my lights when a movie starts, and I use the Ambilight addon for the XBMC hue addon to find average colours on the video and throw them to two lights behind my monitor. It's epic!

I was there to help build! good to see our hard work on kotaku! :)

Dragon Dictation has always been on swype, at least for a lot of versions.

Everytime I order extra film equipment from ebuyer I throw in a couple portable external hard drives (http://www.ebuyer.com/product/407037). I usually do this monthly and make multiple backups of the same system, I then keep a backup at home, and give a backup to the bar near my work who have a big giant fireproof

Seriously? Click on the download link for each image and set them how you would set your regular wallpaper.

Nah, it's gotta be NEON. bzzt!

Thanks! I think?

No idea how appropriate this is, but bright neon colours, specifically green really turn me on. I've no idea why, but just those colours are enough to get me pants-rippingly-horny. I'm not talking about it just like, a wall painted that colour, or in a book, I mean like if I see someone wearing that colour, socks,

It's so so amazing to see my guy Docm77 on Kotaku.

I use Adobe Kuler much more than any of the other apps I have, I'm always on there drooling over colours I wish I could paint everything in.

My friend is building me a PC for xmas, so I guess I just want bottles of coolant so I can stock up.

Yeah you're right actually, I was thinking of it as I was typing it, had one of the songs in my head but felt it didn't need introduction as it is something everyone should already know about. Forgive me? :(

Fun fact! This tumblr is ran by Neil Cicierega, internet superhero, pioneer of potter puppet pals, fan of the freaky, avid glasses wearer, the inventor of Brody Quest, a real genuine kid of the 90's. Also pretty attractive.

This. ALL OF MY THIS. It seems Gizmodo is no more about reviewing products as it is reviewing how OMG SO EXPENSIVE things are without even taking a brief moment to justify its point.

Looks like a very atmospheric game, it's done very very well, the fact it looks like a badly done greenscreen job is because we aren't used to seeing day and night together like this. I couldn't have done a better job myself!

yeah, no. I'm pretty sure I could cover a gap like that without slipping or falling to one side like the robot did. Gizmodo getting a bit excited again and making things a lot better than they actually are. It's impressive, but no where near better than a real human.

Go watch the behind the scenes to realise they aren't "kids."