That's a shame, no one wants it to. Swing and a miss Microsoft.
That's a shame, no one wants it to. Swing and a miss Microsoft.
I recently applied for a job at Valve as a Motion Designer, wish me luck folks!
And what a beautiful photo it is.
I don't think I know anyone who would spray anything on an iPhone, especially oil.
I'll stick with putting a bucket on the door. ;)
So.. wait.. it costs $220? But does absolutely nothing? Apart from to /potentially/trick burglars into thinking you have a $220 laser system that does do something.
That just SCREAMS badass. You have the coolest job ever. :(
I work as a Motion Graphics designer, I've managed to filter all the bad clients and i've stuck with the best ones, the best ones are absolutely amazing, and know exactly what to say and how to get their idea across, the absolute worst are bloody terrible, and use words like "pop" and "pizazz."
Yeah, it looks like the BDCraft texture pack (by Sphax) Still a brilliant map though, and the texture pack makes it look awesome.
Scientists have discovered that you are more likely to believe something if someone says scientists have discovered it.
Infact, scrap all of that, it seems to be done all in one cut. Just sped up.
The finger GIF will have been stabilized to a point using a compositing program such as After Effects, or NUKE. The tracker point is positioned to a point of contast (the finger tip) and the program is left to track that point for the duration of the clip. There will be some hand tracking to do (where the girl passes…
This isn't Barely Political, it's the Gregory Brothers. I've found that Barely Political like uploading low quality copies of the GB's work. Still, very nice none the less.
Seems they are limiting keys to users who have contributed a highly rated item to the workshop already, that means people who don't already have a tf2 related item in the workshop aren't likely to get a copy of SFM until further down the line..
Yeah... No... Swing and a miss with this one.
People who love a font don't know much about typography, people who hate a font know even less about typography.
I'm almost positive that Gawker are tapped into my youtube favourites list, as soon as I favourite a video, a week later it's posted on one of their sites. Still a good video though.