
As I understand, that's actually a puppet that was being sold on Etsy; the opening is just large enough for a child to put their hand in and move the pony's legs.

Damn. Were all the cutscenes in FFXIV as excellent as this one?

He should be executed. There's never, ever an acceptable excuse for assaulting someone incapable of defending themselves, especially children.

If you want to get real technical, you could say four, since David Prowse didn't do most of the fight scenes. But that's just nitpicking.

Is that artwork of Mario from Mario Kart DS? Nintendo merchandise often uses slightly outdated artwork. That has always seemed weird to me.

I never played with a focus on energy weapons so I never robbed the place, but I did really hate the folks running the place. I killed the lot of them a number of times.

Those are all relatively recent shows. Also, Lauren Faust (responsible for Powerpuff Girls) was also the mind behind the current MLP.

Considering that you're going out of your way to insult a group of people, and they're not...

Good for them. But in order to have truly caught them all, the department is going to have to transfer some prisoners back and forth between their Red and Blue divisions.

I like my politicians the way I like my Pokémon cartridges: Blue.

I don't know, I think preemptive defensiveness over an opinion is a stronger mark of a bitch than is laughing at a comedy sketch. (Go cry about it)

Actually, there's a surprising amount of Minecraft merchandise out there on store shelves.

My first thought as well.

Well, the title seems to say something like "Rockman Overworld." So "Rockman Over" as a character name might just be an unfortunate translation.

There's been some damn good Samus cosplay in recent years, but my favorite will always be Jenni Källberg.

I love nerdcore more than anything, but I rarely if ever see mc chris anymore. When I do, I usually leave before he comes on. Not because I don't like his music; he's pretty good. But because I've seen him enough times to know that he has a tendency to single out a person who likes him enough to come out to his show,

Aw! Poor Dreamcast. He must miss being played.

As a trailer, this was awful. The gameplay doesn't blend with the initial cinematic presentation at all. And that's exactly why I'm seriously looking forward to playing this game.

If I ever found myself with a girl with whom I had so much in common that I felt I could propose to her at a gaming event, I'd know she was the one. Congratulations to this lucky guy. He and his woman have probably got some great stuff coming.