
That reminded me somewhat of Metroid Prime. In a good way!

I hadn't thought about these games in years until right now. Thank you for the shot of nostalgia!

I think I saw this girl at SuperMegaFest last year! Or at least it was someone with the same idea.

I don't know why people are saying this is mean. There's nothing malicious about it, just silly! If I got a call like this at my store, it would make my day.

Now playing

Ytcracker did it better. So, so much better.

These dogs have homes, a reliable supply of food, and families. If the most distressing situation that befalls them is having a cape or a mask put on them, they've still got it pretty damn good. And really, I'm sure if the dog seemed distressed or hurt by the costume the owner would take it off right away.

The truth is quite the opposite. The Mother 3 fan translation was widely-enough publicized during its production that Nintendo, as a business, would have been justified in asking them to shut it down. In looking the other way, they gave their unofficial support.

They were pretty much the first of their kind, so I think we can cut them a little slack.

If that turtle had expressed to you that it didn't want any baby turtles, then sure. Go nuts. They're just eggs. The exception, of course, would be if they're developed to the point that they'd survive if they were to hatch, but that's just common sense.

While "great" may be subjective, it's hard to argue that any other console had a higher density of unique games. One of the things I remember most fondly about the dreamcast is how readily developers experimented with things.

Suddenly, my interest in this game doubled.

Wii Motion+ was initially sold as an add-on, but that was quickly overshadowed by their phasing out of the original controllers in favor of the Wii Remote+, which had exactly the same MSRP.

If you want this game and have a 3DS, you should absolutely get the 3DS version. The gameplay is essentially 2D, but makes beautiful use of 3D visuals. It even pays homage to the Virtual Boy, or at least the small handful of decent games for it.

Edit: Meant to start a new thread, not a reply. Sorry!

Is Internet connectivity disabled at a hardware level, or software? If it's software, then one of the very many folks in the Wii hacking scene could conceivably get it running on a non-nerfed firmware. That would allow it to get online using the USB ethernet adapter, which would at least let you use it as a Netflix

I think that gave me diabetes.

No, just common sense.

Ha! I remember that! I miss the days where each console had a mascot. Mario, Sonic and Crash were the faces of the entire medium for a few years there.

That's something I've thought about. I would welcome a new Mario movie, cartoon, whatever, but it would be tough to make it work with that voice. He'd need to dial it down a bit, to something in between classic Mario and a normal speaking voice.

Apparently, the Wii Remote on the left is a boy and the one on the right is a girl.