
I love it when they actually have characters from different regions speak their appropriate language. I've always been disappointed that Soul Calibur never did that, and it was a nice touch for SFIV and MvC3 to allow per-character language selections. I hope this is something that'll catch on.

"The statue toppled over and mounds of snow hit her lower back."

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Chrono Trigger and hip-hop taste great together when done right.

So, does he just Rush to the store whenever they Roll out a new game? I can just see his face Light up when he gets to X another title off his checklist. I bet he gets the Blues any time the store has Zero copies left.

What the... I have that MvC t-shirt, and mine is exactly the same EXCEPT that mine lacks Mega Man. I got ripped off!

That's my opinion exactly. Personally, I enjoy very little of their work, and much of it hasn't aged all that well. That's from a relatively objective perspective, anyway; factor in nostalgia and you have another creature entirely.

You make it sound as though anyone who doesn't like their music has the "wrong" opinion. I think that has the potential to be just as annoying as the people you're criticizing.

So when are we going to get some good pee-based games over here in the States?

I know there are marketing teams involved in these events, and that marketing is bound to recognize that sex sells.

I know! As much as I'd want to shake a finger at them for so shamelessly ripping off Nintendo, this game would tempt me deeply if it had come to pass.

I know there are plenty of folks out there who enjoy LEGO video games. I, however, am not terribly upset to see an entry in this franchise make its exit.

You've been missing out, then. There are a good handful of reliable sources these days.

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I'm reminded of a few years back, when someone tried to release an MMO that bore more than a passing resemblance to Wind Waker.

It describes the service accurately, and the demographic that will both recognize and be upset by its history is almost nonexistent. I'm sure it'll work well enough for them.


I love this. I think it's particularly funny to include such an awful version of Mega Man after leaving him absent from MvC3.

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I couldn't be more excited at the idea of bringing back classic THPS, especially after all the forgettable recent entries in the series.

Keep em' coming, I say! The average RE film may not be exactly an artistic triumph, but that doesn't stop them from being damn entertaining. An above average, high-budget sci-fi zombie saga starring Milla Jovovich? Heck yes. I'll take ten, please.

Let me guess. Someone performed a hard reset on your sweet roll.

I've always thought that Felicia's character design was very sexy, aside from the hands large enough to crush a man's head. This illustration rectifies that, while perfectly capturing her delightfully manic personality.