
I chuckled a little bit at the phrasing of this, specifically that it points out that the characters featured will be "selected from past Pokémon games". I'm glad they went with that, rather than ones from future Pokémon games, or possibly Pokémon games from an alternate timeline.

I know, I saw that! Pretty awesome. I became a big fan of this guy after he played a show at a local game store here in Massachusetts last month. I mentioned him to one of my friends, and his wife chimed in that she was friends with "Keith" in high school...apparently he grew up just a few towns over from me! Hometown

Any Yoshi that picked up a red shell would breathe fireballs upon spitting it out. The red Yoshi, however, would breathe fire when spitting out ANY shell.

Oh, how I wish the Dreamcast had come out at a point in my life where I was in a position to afford to buy myself games; I was only 13 at the time of its U.S. launch. I did buy one many years later, but I missed out on all of the cutting-edge online play and such. Man, what a machine. I'm happy to see SEGA's last

Now playing

I was hoping to see Keith Apicary's record-breaking low score on DK Jr, but maybe that wasn't this year.

Something tells me you wouldn't stay a billionaire for very long.

I agree completely. I work in retail management, and some days it seems to be nothing but a parade of idiots. But I treat every single one of those morons politely and with respect, because that's the only way the business works.

Heck yes. Why spring for a PS3 or a Wii when you can rock a child's Vtech? Right there with you, man.

I think the multiple timelines cheapen the story. Given that it's all fictional to begin with, I choose to believe that all the games occur within the same timeline, in the order that they're listed from left to right on this chart. It works well enough... Ganon prevails, is defeated, suppressed as he tries to rise

I think the points here are entirely valid. But at the same time, the same can be said of almost any medium. Take any popular rock album, and you can find ten previous albums it borrows from and a hundred or more subsequent albums that borrow from it. The same can be said of any popular book or movie.

No kidding. I got a good laugh out of that.

I don't know if "ridiculously uptight" is an appropriate descriptor for airport security. Security is pretty damn important at an airport. If someone decides to cause a problem mid-flight, things can go rather wrong. I'm sure someone can think of an example or two of that happening.

Now THAT'S my kind of Hyper Combo.

My goodness. I think that Tron girl is the sexiest cosplay I've ever seen. Anyone know where I can download me one of those?

Everyone complaining is being a baby about this. It's an extra option that's there to try to appeal to new fans. Serious, competitive players can and will switch it off.

If goofballs like this are going to publicly make idiotic claims about harmless childrens' entertainment, they should at least do their research first. You can't expect to be taken seriously when making ludicrously inaccurate accusations regarding something as widely recognized as Pokémon. Sure, not everyone is as

I know it's been a long time since the 16-bit console wars, but it's still so very, very strange to see Sonic prominently featured on the box of a Nintendo console. If only I could show this to my 1995 self (without creating a time paradox, of course).

Ugh. I finished reading the article, and as I started scrolling down to look at the comments I thought to myself, "I hope there aren't too many people being dicks and calling this a publicity stunt". And behold! This was the first comment I saw.

Personally, I always keep the 3D turned on and I rarely ever lose the "sweet spot". It's more immersive that way, to be looking at something in real 3D as you move around in real space.

Once it comes out, I'm going to go back in time and give one to my past self, therefore making it a significantly pre-day one purchase.