
@Flymonkey102: Exactly my thoughts as I was reading. The Metroid series are among some of the only games where the soundtrack is essential to fully experiencing the game's environment.

Like so many other readers, when I read the headline I initially thought it was announcing Pheonix Wright.

Some cute ideas, but I couldn't stop noticing the inconsistent graphical style and anachronistic effects.

@MidnightMarvel: Ooh, good idea. I loved those games; I'm surprised I didn't think of that potential HD combo myself!

My vote would be for Final Fantasy X and X-2.

@TurboEK: The article says it was bought for $2.25.

@Mike Villela: Yeah, those two were an exception to the usual. I really can't think of any other significant system launch in recent years where America got it first (aside from the Xbox and its successor, due to their American origins).

@Ryodestined: In my opinion, it's totally worth it for the larger screens. There are some DS games out there with spectacular graphics that really shine on a larger screen. Lots of people complain about things being blocky, but in motion it really all looks good.

@Mike Villela: The US got the Nintendo DS and the Wii before Japan did.

@EskimoPimp: That's a tough word. I consider myself quite adept at spelling, but that's one word that trips me up nearly every time.

Initially, this game didn't peak my interest all that much. Watching the video just now, though, changed that entirely.

@highspeeddirt: If this is the babysitter, then that's the luckiest dad in the world.

@You Are My Friend!: Also decency. Personally, I enjoy being able to go shopping without the risk of being confronted by dangling unmentionables.

@Hyperion45: Actually, you're right. The worst part about all of this is that these kids have had a good video game ruined for them!

@Silentkiller2774: That really is a large part of it! The things they do aren't really any worse than the things done by any other predator and/or territorial animal. But, to the human mind, a tiger killing something looks very different than a chimpanzee killing something.

Is it just me, or is the girl on page 5 pretty good-looking?