
Ugh. I hate chimpanzees. They're disgusting creatures. I know there's a lot more to it than that, and that they can't help being what they are, but if I'm going to be completely honest about my feelings towards them... well, they make me sick. It always makes me uncomfortable when I see chimpanzees marketed in movies

@dfxdeimos: I make all my guns and ammo at home.

I'm torn. On the one hand, I'm very excited to see something new from Studio Ghibli. On the other hand, I'm so f*cking sick of JRPGs.

@ngamesnick: The brain often associates a response with the stimulus that could have caused it, regardless of whether or not it actually did. For example, it's pretty widely known that forcing a smile can potentially enhance a person's mood, simply because the brain associates smiling with pleasant emotions.

@Lamp: There's no doubt that there's a strong lineup of excellent games for the Wii. But Nintendo's focus this generation has undeniably been on the more profitable "casual" market. E3 2008 is a perfect snapshot of that.

@Billkwando: For starters, Wii players get Metroid: Other M and Zelda: Skyward Sword. Aren't a Metroid and a Zelda enough to get you at least a little excited?

I wonder how well she'd hold up against Blanka.

@JesusDeSaad: If you want to play games and are willing to pay for them, then buying a 3DS shouldn't be such a big deal, regardless of the state of its homebrew scene.

@JesusDeSaad: By your reaction to these commenters' reference to piracy, you seem to indicate that you don't intend to use it for that purpose. Which begs the question, if you don't want to play any of the commercially available software, then why not just buy notebook computer, or some other device that can run

I just can't get into Animal Crossing as much since they took out the NES games. Collecting those was by far my favorite part of the GameCube version!

@mahoney23: I've always thought Buzz would have been an awesome summon.

@Renzo: Well, if the 3DS is as powerful as they say it is, then the graphics definitely will outdo those on the PSP.

Confirmed: Everything is going to be okay.

@DrZaius: Well, Crossbow Training is a full game. And as far as I'm concerned, it was a sufficient supplement to Twilight Princess. After all, there's never really been a rule per se that each Link needs to appear twice.

@AnOkayLumberjack: I think the N64's blue shell was my favorite. It would always get the guy in first, but you could avoid it by dropping to second. That, and the fact that it only did as much damage as any other shell and could hit other racers on its way to the front. There's never been a blue shell as balanced as

@MissAshley42: Actually, I remember reading something about that. Smash Bros. director Masahiro Sakurai said something to the effect that when he unveiled the new design for Pit, Kid Icarus' director jokingly asked if he could use it in the next KI game. I guess someone liked that idea!

@Koda89: Oh, I love me some mythology, so I know how violent the stories are.