
@Neige: I think that in this case, a large amount of ports is acceptable.

@Renzo: I think it is just the pictures. Keep in mind that when you're actually playing, it will be

@cfive3: Haven't you ever played Mario Kart? Of course the AI is going to blue shell you right before the finish. That's the...fun of it?

@Trygle12's posts considered harmful!: I liked them in Mario Kart 64, only because they weren't totally broken. Unavoidable and super-powerful are a little too much, especially since you can no longer avoid them by dropping out of first place after they've been fired.

@Madness87: They never promised PS3/360-caliber graphics. That was a rumor, which was promptly acknowledged to be inaccurate.

@DrZaius: Twilight Princess Link also appeared in Link's Crossbow Training. While that wasn't a full-fledged adventure, it was a standalone retail title, so I believe it technically fulfills his requirements for game appearances.

I'm really, really hoping that we see some Virtual Boy ports on this thing.

@NachoDudeX: I wouldn't be so sure. The Wii has plenty of Sprite-based games, after all. Just look at Wario Land, or the new Kirby game.

Why don't they just call it the PS3 Zapper?

@Ero_Elohim: That's done in reference to the way Samus walks in all of the 2D Metroid games. When she's not running, she's almost always got her gloved hand resting on top of the cannon.

This looks like exactly what I'd hoped God of War would be. That is to say, I'll take my epic mythology without all the gratuitous bloodshed.

I initially read the title as "Kirby's Epic Yam". And I thought, "Whatever. Nintendo has given games weirder titles".

@Kallandar: There was a line of controllers for GameCube, PS2 and Xbox called "MicroCon" that were smaller versions of the standard controller. I saw one for GameCube on clearance for about $3 so I picked it up out of curiosity, but it was actually quite comfortable and functional, even in normal-sized hands.

This looks incredible. More importantly, it reminds me what a great time I had playing MGS4, which is enough to sell me this game.

@Hearthole: I wouldn't object to that.

I'm excited for the new Keyboard mode, but slightly concerned that the game itself won't be the same Rock Band experience. I just hope it retains the casual-friendly "pick up and play" feel that makes RB and RB2 such good party games. That, and it had better support all of the DLC we've already paid for.

@NeoAkira: Mad Catz certainly did earn their reputation for poor hardware many years ago, but these days they're unfairly denied credit for having vastly improved the quality of their products. Back in the days of the N64 and PSX, it was undeniably good advice to stay away from their crappy knockoff controllers.