
Ugh. There are very few bands I like less than the Chili Peppers. We get it, guys... you're from California. Write a new song for once, please.

Activision must be pretty upset about this. After all, I hear that was the last trophy they needed to unlock the Platinum.

The only character I care about seeing in this game is Swindler.

I would love to see the specs on his new laptop.

@josephmeraz: Don't try to frighten us with your gamers' ways.

Article title made me laugh. Thanks, Owen. It's one of those nights for me where a good laugh was needed (and space monster-induced laughs are the best kind. Obviously).

Things like this are a very strong argument against numerical reviews, and a strong argument for Kotaku's method of simply giving a rundown of pros and cons. Seriously, I don't even read any other game sites anymore, and I only read EGM (well, used to) for Seanbaby's hilarious articles. Numerical scores in reviews are

@dantheman1515: Well, at least it was MGS4. That game fully deserved every last bit of energy drink-laden fanboy drool.

@Chowderholic: Man, that really was an outstanding game. The gameplay was deep but immediately accessible and the story was executed fantastically with an almost Metal Gear-caliber cinematic touch. Even the somewhat linear main quest was really engaging. That's one of the only games I've played since FFVI where I

The headline initially made me think they were ending the Ash-centric series altogether. As much as I don't like the new series, I have to say I'd be sad to see the end of Ash, Misty, Brock and company.

Whoa... I was excited when I heard there'd be a Scott Pilgrim movie, but this...

@Letiumtide: They stopped doing that back in 2003, after they were hit with a class-action lawsuit for it. As a result of the lawsuit, anyone who had purchased a "new" game from them in the last several months was entitled to a coupon for 5% off the purchase of a game, which is really a pretty sad coupon in my

@neuroned: What makes you say she would be "much better dead"? Do you honestly feel that because someone makes music you don't like, they should be executed?

@neuroned: Did you read that on the Internet? If you did, it must be true. Nobody's allowed to lie on the Internet.

The Walter Day comment is my favorite this week. Outkastprince, I declare you this week's King of Komments.

The smile that hit my face when I saw this picture occurred with such force that it woke up my dog.