
@Owen Good: I'm not certain, to tell you the truth. But if you like, I could explain to you precisely how girl get pragnent.

@PsycoCutman: Hey, at least have the respect to call the DC a "worthy adversary".

@DomSupra: I think we should all scrap our Biker Boyz DVDs.

@Nick Dumicich: That, sir, is one handsomely dressed console.

@Maakies: I've got several bins that look just like that. But come on, man... where's the DreamCast?

My house had a pretty severe flood about four years ago, and my PS2 was completely submerged, still plugged in, for about six hours.

No Steve Wiebe? He may not be the current champion, but he's way more charismatic than Billy, so they should make up some award for him.

@soulsiphon, Malakite servant of War: I don't have an Xbox, so I'm not sure if there's a PS3 equivalent to that option. Regardless, it's a pretty big issue, as virtually nobody has been able to get that particular trophy/achievement. I suppose it's only a problem until it gets patched, though.

Thank you for that picture/title combo, McWhertor. I got a big chuckle out of that just being reminded of that hilarious show.

@Rear Admiral Meatwad: I'm so sick of the burger censorship in this country. It's really gotten out of hand.

@Wess28: Would it be any better with a man?

@Gundem: It has nothing to do with the FCC whatsoever. The folks running the site know that people often look at Kotaku at work, or on a laptop somewhere public. Those are both places where you don't want to accidentally bring up nudity on your computer monitor.

My god, I would have laughed so hard if I'd encountered this myself.

I love this game. I'm having tons of fun with it so far, with very few complaints.

@battra92: Check out www.vgboxart.com for a pretty good collection of boxart. Much of it is fan-made, but still rather attractive.

@WarlordPayne: Well then it sounds like my kind of game!

I'm going to pass on whatever crap these guys are selling. They should be selling tobacco, not games, if their attitude is to screw the user and collect money.

@Aquatrez: You have earned a trophy:

@Kev618: I initially read your first sentence as saying that you had aroused your fat girlfriend last night. It was much funnier that way.

@rfriaz: How the hell are you supposed to get a hot tub moving 88 mph?