
Starcraft, Jack and Daxter, Team Fortress, God of War, Half-Life, Tohou, Diablo

It would be nice If they made

Marijuana is a great hangover cure. A few tokes and you are out of the slum not only temporarily but completely (That is until you drink again of course).

Ah man, the Unfinished Swan. I remember seeing a video of it on here a couple years ago. It really is a creative game but Its sad that it hasn't come out yet. D:

@Kiwi Kawaii: That doesn't mean we should be okay with it. I mean If enough people take a proactive stance against something like this, anything is possible.

Now Im even more happy I got rid of that Xbox two years ago.

Someone set us up the bomb.

How about Zune?

Sold. Honestly, all they had to tell me was about the flash drive and I would've fronted a hundred bucks.

@NecronomiconUK: But the bigger announcements usually stand out and since this is a popular game series and two popular franchises Id say it wouldn't be drowned out. Besides, I got into E3 this year so Im hoping, lol.

If any announcement the best timed would be at E3 this year.


Too uncomfortable to use the gamepad.

The web browser is great. I dont know what kind of microsoft pawn was set out to say that but I wont have it!

Parents. Make your kids go outside. That is all.

I love K-On!, I thought It was fun to watch and it entertained me. Why is the series constantly being criticized and furthermore why am I constantly being criticized for liking it? I don't care If you hate the series but all you have to do is not watch it. Don't go as far as to tell people they are stupid for liking

I love Lady Gaga, she is an inspiration to us all.