
Final Fantasy 8 was my favorite.

There is some saran wrap plastered over the toilet right now waiting for some un-expectant tired person in the morning.

Thirty Copies of top gun on blu ray.

Good place to hide mah weed

YES YES YES YES! Ive been wanting one of these for the longest time, and have been talking about how cool it would be to play a star wars lightsaber duel game on the wii or ps3. I'm sure(now positive) that Im not the only one who wants this.

Honestly, as a TF2 player I don't feel like I can complain til they stop updating it. Until then, I'm occupied until HL2: Ep3 comes out. But obviously one game doesn't set for another. Valve, this better be a REALLY good game.


@Fatboots: I think its awesome that people no longer need to be rich in order to be healthy.

Please tell me this will be available as DLC. Because I really dont want to buy another full game.

Virtua fighter? Looks like potential for one person to get pissed at another and punch them irl.

The fiends!

Me and my cousin loved Arkham Asylum, just the other day we were talking about how cool it would be If they put Robin, Batgirl and Nightwing in there as optional co-op characters.

@venomritual: Another madden game is something were used to, but not when they take one 0f 2008's best video games and announce a sequel set for release a year later at full price with only a speck of the promised dlc. You QQ more.

@N-Robes: Kameo: Elements of Power is pretty sweet, it was a game that came out for the xbox 360 when it launched.

Drm? Ubisoft, what have we learned?

I expect two meet the team videos. Im thinking this will sort of be a grand finale type of thing unless they have plans for a second wave of weapon unlockables, which sounds awesome but too good to be true.

@xxXX_Insanities_Birth_XXxx: I can sit back and take it, but when you compare Halo to Team Fortress 2. Thats where I draw the line.

The assassination animations are cool. But still, I'm looking forward to their non Halo creations even more.