
I've only seen something like this once and I was on LSD. What is it?

Isn't Aliens vs Predator technically Aliens vs Aliens?

Coming from a weed smoker who lives with parents who don't approve, this helps a lot. Thanks :3

The first game was one of the biggest letdowns of 2010. I was suspecting an edgy, artistic, dark, kingdom hearts-esque game but instead I got cookie cutter family jungle book shit that we get with every other wii release.

Not cool man, not cool.

Though it is amazing, LSD is neither physically nor psychologically addicting.

I think since they are one of the few countries to actually excel in these economic times, they are just building shit for the hell of it. Maybe they are just building multiple locations to make it harder to locate a nuclear facility of some sort?


I liked the trailer and am looking forward to the new series, but the title at the end looks really shotty. Hope that isn't the final one.

I myself will be a werewolf who dual wields shields, maybe make an alliance with dragons and have fucked up looking babies.

Episode 3?...

Some deep fried robot unicorn sounds to good to pass up.

Such artistic potential wasted on such a worthless cause.

I loved Street Fighter 3, always hovered around it at the nickel arcade. Don't really go there anymore but me and my friends still play every now and then, maybe more so with this new game. I would even say I enjoyed it more than SSFIV

Gives the term "rail shooter" a whole new meaning, doesn't it?

I for one wouldn't mind the name, hell I think it marks a new generation of nintendo leaving the wii behind.

Or bandaids.
