
When I was younger and received my first game console, the PS1 I had also received final fantasy 7. I had been playing games for a couple years but my father decided to get me a brand new console for xmas. As most of you know though, memory cards were mandatory in order to save games. But a memory card I did not have.

@conman577: I actually dont like either

I commend their act of charity I really do, those people really need help down there. But that wont make their games suck any less.

Anybody else thought this was an H game when they first saw the pic?

I dont care what any of you say, this game is going to be beast. Ive been waiting for it for forever and it will live up to the hype, and then some.

@fozfan33: Im not sure but I guess that is a big deal for something new like that.


It looks like somebody pushed Megatron into a trash compactor.

I laughed

Arresting for Marijuana dealing? Another victimless crime.

A Clash of the Titans game? Whats next?! A hollywood remake!?!

Please be like turok

@lolgreg: Gotta love choosing priorities. lol

But If they werent making any money at all, then why do they continue to sell it or why did they start selling it for that matter? They have to be making money somewhere or they would have been filing bankruptcy a while ago,

Also, fist bump your friend right in the middle of battle to show her you have balls and courage.

@MellowJade: Girl gamers are one in a million. Im surprised you couldn't find a boyfriend because every girl gamer I know is taken all the time.