
What I learned from Army of Two.

He is using the xbox as a shield to protect his lovely and dear Ps3. Heck, it probably spits fire.

I think its a really fun hack n' slash. Lots of and fresh ideas, especially the hard to get used to but fun multi player rts style. Innovative id call it.

This is great, I remember all those years ago in middle school when the teacher skipped out to pick up an xbox. Of course he called it "Sick".

They literally re-skinned and re-dubbed everything, that's it.

Are the Everquest games still going? I recall Everquest 2 coming out six years ago and so far its had three adventure packs and five expansions, with a sixth coming out in 2010. I recall watching an interview with some people who developed Wow and they said that Everquest was a big inspiration on the development. No

This looks amazing! If it really does become as fun as it looks, maybe I wont go back to watching paint dry next time.

Why does the Evil superman just look like a douche bag rather than Bizzaro Superman?

I think this demo is to get people amped for the game rather than the conventional use. Because most people who get this game have played the previous one and dont need a refresher course.

I just pre ordered it from gamestop, when "a week before" comes along, how would I go about getting this demo? Something on the receipt? #left4dead2

Left 4 Dead 2: now with an actual storyline? I mean don't get me wrong, the scenarios were cool, but Im glad I have more cut scenes and some personality in the characters. #left4dead2

An UN generic FPS? Now that would be unreal. #unrealengine

Im guessing this wouldn't work with the Steam bought version? Because I would kill for a NightWing outfit.

I was very addicted to World of Warcraft During Middle School and Freshman year in High School. Now here I am, thinking about picking up WoW again because cataclysm looks so delicious. #gamingaddiction

Beatles Rock Band takes the cake for me, way more fun. Better Team play and better music. While the Guitar hero guitar aspect is a little more challenging, the drum and mic aspect just feels like a knock off. #thebeatlesrockband

Finally this game is out! I have been following it for four years and was hoping it wouldn't suffer the same fate as our beloved Duke Nukem Forever. :[ But Already got it preordered on Steam, and Im super psyched! Prepare for Borderlands: Game of the year edition #borderlands