I have zero knowledge when it comes to that stuff, so I don't see why they would lie and bullshit a seemingly easy transfer, so you say. Why would they make more work for themselves when they could have done what you say?
I have zero knowledge when it comes to that stuff, so I don't see why they would lie and bullshit a seemingly easy transfer, so you say. Why would they make more work for themselves when they could have done what you say?
I love how he only freed them because they needed help. So if they could have fought it by themselves would he have just left them in the prison?
And it was Toy Story 2 that almost got lost, not TS1, because of bad backup data.
They legit did: http://m.ign.com/articles/2013/…
They just straight up lost it. There isn't specifics on how, just that it was a long time ago. Even Pixar lost the assets from the original Toy Story. So most of the HD version was created from scratch or using assets from the later games. So if you ever watch comparison videos, a lot of the enemies are different…
Yeah I found that out not too long after that comment. What I said is still true about KH 1.5 though.
I didn't realize North America was the entire world.
How arrogant is it to call it the World Series when the US is the only participant? It's stupid, which is why it gets shit on.
I know for KH 1.5, SquareEnix lost most of the assets for the first game and had to use textures and models from the later games to replace them, which is why some of the models look really good. This may be one of the reasons for the different costumes.
I like the coop mission structure, but I was also looking for open world coop without any structure too. Sometimes I just want to fuck around with a bunch of friends without the game telling us what to do all the time.
Anybody with the slightest interest in comics should read Watchmen. It's brilliant. It's unlike any other "superhero" comic and alongside The Dark Knight Returns, it really redefined what comics can be.
I actually just started DOTA 2 a week ago. It has been fun and frustrating at the same time. I'm getting better each game but my teams keep losing...
I thought the bombs were terrible. I never had to use them. EVER. I did the tutorial and then I was done. What's the point of using them if I can just jump down and kill 15 guys in like a minute. I'm glad to see they are trying to once again, make the combat good and challenging. None of this pseudo challenge were…
I'm mad you put WWE in there with NBA and FIFA. WWE is literally scripted.
And by new you mean his third biting incident in his career... That stupid fucker. I hate him.
I see Wolverine and Mitsurugi.
All the good WiiU games aren't available online. What the hell Target.
That is the new title. It's "X" as in "10."
Well as far as I know, it's making it's console debut on PS4, but will most likely come out for XB1 and PC later.
I'm still a bit of a skeptic. I've been burned by too many games that promised genre defining mind blowing features and never delivered. I still want this game to be good and to be everything promised, but I'll also believe it when I see it. My biggest worry is that it'll end up sort of like minecraft, where it's an…