Damn, I still own the first one. I used to have the toys as a kid too.
Damn, I still own the first one. I used to have the toys as a kid too.
Super Mario RPG
Yeah I remember those, but in their position, it makes a lot of sense. Who's knows when this would even be viable for them, but I look forward to it.
I hope they can create on unified platform that could perform as a handheld and home console. Instead of a split in their developers, ALL their developers make games for one device. There would never be a games drought for 1st party titles ever. That would be so sweet.
Fuck yeah dude, I still have my SNES, all the Gameboys, and their more recent consoles and handhelds. NONE have failed me to date.
As I'm watching the Uruguay game, the commentators are complaining about the amount of BS dives Uruguay has taken. It's a huge part of the game. It's like every 2-5 minutes someone gets fouled.
Well you can say that about literally anything on internet, but I want larger focus on why it happens and what the sport can do to change it to a more sportsmanlike game. It gives the sport such a bad name. People who don't even like/watch soccer are aware of how bad it is, to which soccer players are called "grass…
When I first read the title I thought it was going to be about Sonic Boom. Then I saw this and realized the android-sonic still looks better.
The fact that you say only 3% of soccer is taking dives is bullshit. Because this is one of the only sports that uses it as a "legitimate" tactic. Yesterday's Chile V Spain, watch the last 15 minutes. Every single Chile player dove when possible to run the clock out. What a bullshit way to play a game and it pisses me…
That's because every instant replay show a player take the craziest most over exaggerated dives by rubbing elbows. You can't defend this issue because it's so ingrained in the sport it's disgusting.
Can we get a write up about the ridiculous amount of fake injuries and falls? Maybe a collection of gifs to highlight one of the worst aspects of the sport that gives it a bad name.
Making their games exclusive to their platform is kind of bullshit. But if they released BF Hardline on Steam and Origin, but gave exclusive perks to buying off Origin (like first dibs to play maps, lower priced, etc.) then that would be a positive for everybody. Steam will only continue to have their great sales as…
I wonder if he's going to have a really bad American accent spoken by a French Canadian voice actor like the rest of Ubisofts games.
If they never made GTA$'s as microtransactions, I think the experience would have been a lot better. There's also a lot of other annoying bits about Online that killed for me and friends.
You should probably mention it's coming to basically every platform available:
I subscribe to a few people and regularly watch their videos. The groups I subscribe to put out videos everyday/weekly and I find them pretty entertaining to watch. It's free entertainment and I help them get paid, so win-win.
I feel the same way about the Xbox One.
I would rather have it for WiiU, but would settle for the 3DS. That game would be sooooo much better with updated graphics with the WiiU. That atmosphere is already killer...