
Good on him. He apologized and also spoke about what the real issue here is. You are a fool if you think the wall street journal gives a shit about the anti semitic jokes. What they do care about is all the clicks they will get by decreasing someone elses influence while raking in that sweet clickbait cash. They just

If you look at the video you’ll see they conveniently left out the lines that are right after the “Shufflegate” part that prove the dialog was a direct reference to Watergate. Seems more like manufactured controversy.

I certainly won’t miss them.

I have nothing personal against any person, group or organization in charge of practices that promote or facilitate piracy. It’s not a personal thing, I’m sure they’re stand-up people to put their own time in to give something to somebody else.

That said, I’ve heard all sides of the debate

Because Pachter is a hack that's why.

FF XV, the only game that will have its 10th year anniversary before it even came out

Finally something good came out of Gone Home

So, this is great. This awesome "post release" content that is supposed to elevate Destiny beyond the "yea, it's kinda fun" status it currently holds (IMO) is so large and unweildy that you damn near NEED 6 people to do it, and Bungie won't offer matchmaking for it, nor give me the ability to talk to people easily in

These EXTREMELY RUMORED characters VERY ALLEGEDLY include Ridley, the equally mourned Mewtwo, Dixie Kong, and The Chorus Kids from Rhythm Heaven. Again, there is VERY LITTLE ACTUAL EVIDENCE to suggest that this is true.

black pit confirmed, should have been skull kid :( or like anyone else ever

So they are new 3DSs but not new 3DSs?

New Super Mario Bros. New Super Mario Bros. Wii. Wii U. New 3DS. Smash Bros. for 3DS.

This thing is a huge hit whenever we post it, especially at $1 shipped. Just remember to leave it at home before you fly. [Credit Card Knife, $1]

So, don't back him and be quiet about it.

STAT | $1 billion – The amount of revenue publisher EA is expecting to bring in just from the sale of DLC this year alone; it's EA's goal to become 100% digital for the long-term.

QUOTE | “It's kind of a passive attitude they're taking, and to me it's kind of a pathetic thing.” - Legendary Nintendo designer Shigeru Miyamoto explaining why Nintendo isn't going to try to make games specifically for a casual audience like they used to on the Wii.


QUOTE | "The biggest new platform people are going to be talking about this Christmas, and probably next Christmas is Smart TVs.” - Former EA CEO John Riccitiello talking about industry trends on mobile, console and more as part of a whitepaper from Game Monetization USA.

QUOTE | “Consoles seem extremely rigid and limited in terms of what you can actually do as a developer.” - Former Rovio games division head and Remedy co-founder Petri Jarvilaehto talking about why he thinks mobile, not console, is “the most exciting area to work in games right now.”

QUOTE | “Consoles seem extremely rigid and limited in terms of what you can actually do as a developer.” - Former Rovio games division head and Remedy co-founder Petri Jarvilaehto talking about why he thinks mobile, not console, is “the most exciting area to work in games right now.”