The expression you are looking for is kulturális kisajátítás.
The expression you are looking for is kulturális kisajátítás.
Is no-one concerned about the portal opening beside her head?
Yeah, I’m going to need to read the book that article references and get back to you because the article and its interviewees do dick all to do anything other than use the same circular reasoning they criticize against.
That argument has some merit to it
I always liked Louis CK’s “I dunno they’re your dumb kids tell them what you want.”
Apparently no one here realizes that “white” can just as easily mean “middle eastern” for law enforcement and census purposes. There is no separate category for people from the near-east. They’re simply classified as Caucasian.
A) sample size far too small to draw any population ethnicity conclusions.
It does make you appreciate the English and their ability to create a tight, one-or-two season show that delivers a complete experience.
Almost as good as my Mad Max Mario Maker level:
Ok, I’m not gonna lie, that was WAY tl;dr. But you’re essentially arguing that Columbus is way way important to America, right?
I know you are getting beat up a bit, and I’m not sure if this is careless wording or Dr. Freud’s insight into your underlying issues, but the line....
I put my hands up and admit I was wrong here.
Herein lies the problem: unlike tribal units who can define what it is to be Cree, Lakota, Apache, etc. and being Indian is then Extrapolated from this, there is no longer a traditional authority defining American blackness. There is not membership vetting process. You don’t get a “black card”.
What do you base this on? What exact features stand out to you as non-black?
I disagree with you at levels deeply beyond the level of this discussion. I do think there is something wrong with having someone work on you (also your home, car, etc.) in ways that you can do for yourself, unless there is a carefully considered compensation process that accompanies it (not just financial). If you…
Is anyone really surprised and does anyone who use these services likely care? I’m about to get all holier-than-thou on mani-pedi ‘regulars’ and opine that the attitude that someone else should work on beautifying YOUR body because it’s somehow above you, makes me a little queasy. The whole feel of them (and I’ve only…
1-7 I 100% agree with. Number 8 I don't fully see eye to eye with because at the end of the day, women can have sexual empowerment, there are entire sections of the feminist movement that talk about having control over your sexuality and that it is powerful. The idea that we could have that as a reality in life and in…
Hey Evan,
One of my favorite video game characters of all time. There needs to be more characters like Riley. I'd play a whole game starring a character like her. She was the perfect companion to Ellie, she just seemed like she'd be a blast to hang out with but had a heart of steel deep down. Never once did I see Riley as…