
What if I can't breath or am wearing a hoodie?

I'm not patronizing you for your opinion on people who exploit children (even if I find it rather sadistic to consider dick-melting an appropriate punishment for anything, but hey, maybe I'm just not 'priveleged' [sic] enough to appreciate that sort of post-modern sadism).

This comment section is making me feel ill. Acid attacks and genital mutilation are two of the worst things happening to women worldwide, yet if it's a guy, we laugh at it? What the fuck?

You're junk science.

...[D]on't encourage children to believe that negative racial talk or discriminatory action is the conduct of only "sick" individuals or that it indicates a peculiar character flaw...

Give me a fucking break.

For there are some things that PC gamers should be able to take for granted, and the ability to quicksave at any point is one of them. This, too, is known.

I still can't quite get my head around the Australian-Olds concept that videogames are something targeted at kids and that's it, despite all the pushback from seemingly everyone under the age of 60 in the country about it.

Shadow Link is an ASSHOLE. I got to him over 200 times as a kid... but sadly I never beat him.

Stupid mirror-moving algorithm... it had no holes!

Zombi, that is part of the drive to de-Christian the Holocaust. The Catholic Church was a great supporter. It was an explicitly Christian endeavor. It is well aligned with centuries of "Jews killed Jesus" and other *christian* teachings, and centuries of histories of pogroms, expulsion of Jews, etc. So people mostly

Dont forget the millions of dogs that get euthanised in the US due to neglect and cruelty or the millions of so called dog lovers who just have to get a shiny new pedigree instead of taking in a dog in need of love. How is this even a smidgen worse than that?

So they're still worried?

...There's significant endogeneity bias issues with these studies as any econometrician will tell you. There's also unaccounted for severe heteroskedasticity in the data you presented above, again as any econometrician will tell you. All this to say that your attempt at providing these dubious correlations (and it's

Arena draft, you can get more than the usual limit of 2 on a card.

I don't understand how he got five innervates.

For-profit prisons. For-profit fucking prisons. How is that not a offshoot of the sort of politics that ran Robocop?

Now playing

This band actually features Nobuo Uematsu himself...